anestesia anxiety
Do any of you have this too? Yesterday, after talking with the pain med dr. (too early to think of how to spell his offishal title) I was fine. Now, I have butterflies in my stomach and Im having that heavy breathing feeling. My chest is tight. I hate the feeling of waking up out of being under general. It feels un-natural and forced. Going to sleep Im fine, Im just afraid of not waking up. To me its like your dead, those 3 hours are GONE. No dreams, no recollection of sleeping, nothing. Having had other surgeries, I KNOW Ill be alright but sheesh, Im so nervous now. Thank goodness they give some relaxation meds while Ill be waiting to go to the OR. Anyone else have this fear???!!!
YES YES YES.... the anestesia(is that spelled right??) is really my only fear... I had my tubes tied 10 years ago and was super anxious before the surgery... i realised i had some major control issues... that is, I HATE NOT BEING THE ONE IN CONTROL. I have been doing visualization with the"going under part" for about a month. I have it down to no fear except that very last moment before i go OUT... but I have another 6 DAYS to get over it huh????
oh, ps, my now 10 year old (yesterday) had his appendix out last summer.
He told me " they put the mask on you and you dont know anything until you wake up and get presents... it wasnt scarey at all..."
Anesthesia.. thats how its spelled.. I knew I spelled it wrong on the title of this thread.
Anyways. I think thats it.. I hate not being in control.. or not KNOWING whats happening to me. I had my tubes tied less than a year ago thats why its fresh on my mind.. that helpless feeling.
We both have another 6 days to get over it.. we're re-birthday twins. Are we gonna make it?? :::breath in breath out:::: lol.
Youre son is very brave. My 3 year old had some major work done on his teeth when he was 2, he woke up, was a little groggy and later on that day, probably less than an hour he was running around like nothing happened.
Maybe we should hold onto those thougths while we are panicing?? lol.

Hi Jessica! I am waaay more affraid that I wouldn't be put out good enough, and that I will feel everything. Although this has never happened at the hospital i am going to (i was reassured by them)...I stupidly watched a tv program on either TLC or Discovery Health about people who weren't put out all the way. Anyways my docs told me that those stories were prolly from like 25+ yrs ago, when they were still working out kinks.My feelings now have changed a long as they give me enough of something to relax me before going in...I'll be fine!! Hahaha, I have only had one other general in my life and I turned out ok. I was like 6 or 7 at the time and had no worries....that's kinda how I want to go into it March 16th. No worries, positive thoughts!!! If we worried about everything that could go wrong life would really suck...think about that. You are prolly at a higher risk of dying driving to well at least i am (in the twin cities). People drive like maniacs!! Anyways what i'm trying to say is try not to worry about the general. Stay focused on healing afterwards, and keeping yourself stable. God will help you with the rest!!! God Bless!!
w/love Annie
14 Days to go

Hi Annie:
I am on countdown with you. I do have a fear too. Of not waking up. I watched Coma years ago and I think that is what made me have this fear. I know the Lord will take care of me. I discussed my fear during my psych evaluation and she suggested that maybe I get something a little earlier to calm my fears.
Two years ago I had surgery and I was freaking so bad inside my body they almost cancelled the surgery. And when all was over my heart was racing. The EKG was fine but they threatened to keep me in the hospital over night. I have hope though as last week I had a procedure and I thought they were putting me to sleep. I never went to sleep and I did not freak out so maybe I am getting better. I know one thing, I will tell everyone I see in Pre-op about this issue so they can help me get through this.
Dear Jessica
The last time I had general an-a-whatever afterwards every nurse, doctor, and orderly kept dropping in on me and smirking. Apparently I was quite vocal while I was out. Still don't know if my sense of humor or my bossy side took over, but I do know I quoted Late English Romantic Poetry off and on. Better just to be out. Consider it a break from being in control-like a vacation on the beach.(((((hugs))))))
Jewell, CEO if the Universe and NewPouch(newbies must ask)
Controlfreak Extrodinare (spelling-5points)

I had 2 surgeries in 2002 and one I had a spinal and was awake and the for the second one I begged to have general and even paid more for it....I like not knowing and waking up and it is over! True I hate the first feelings and my lips are like sandpaper...but in a couple hours it is great and you are so happy it is over then. I will put myself in the hands of the good doctors and anesthesiologists and you know what? If you never wake up, you won't know it anyway....kind of morbid...but at least it won't be painful.....
Hi Jessica!
I understand your fears completely. I used to hate feeling like I was fighting my way out from under the anesthesia when coming out from under. My last surgery, I told the anesthesiologist about that and he was able to adjust the anesthesia so that it was easier coming out from under. So my advice, tell them you are worried about that and they can adjust things to help that. Another thing I did was to try to visualize coming out from under and telling myself to relax. If you can help yourself to relax then coming out from under is much easier. It doesn't help us to fight it.
Don't know if that helps or not but that my 2 cents worth!
I'll be praying for you!!! God Bless!!!
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary
(a/k/a CCQC)
8 Days and a Wake Up
to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire
AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B.
, LaDonna D.
, Marcie F.