any advice for 65 year old but young at heart
I have a friend at my church who had the surgery about 3 years ago and she is retired. She also works as a Volunteer at my church. She looks great. She gave me some of her clothes and she is now a size 10. I could not believe the difference in her personality. It was hidden. What a great lady I almost missed knowing. And talk about the encouragement she has given me since I started my journey. I cannot tell you how much. Good luck, you will do fine.
Sybil! Hi I am having surgery on the 16th and just turned 63...happy to find a peer! I will be pulling for you, so we can compare will be an old hand at it when my time comes in a couple weeks....there is also a message board on her for over 50,,,,you should go there too, although I found I was the oldest so you can have the honors now. My doctors did not find my age to be the slightest problem in getting approved...we know what we want and what we need, right?
Good luck tomorrow.