C'mon! You can tell me!

Kellie D.
on 3/1/04 6:47 am - Mankato, MN
Okay Marchers I know we are all into this surgery because our health is crappy, our bones are screaming and our hearts are strained. BUT on the other hand, when you loose most of your weight or hit your goal, what would be something you would love to do? I secretly would love to get my belly-button pierced, dress up really sexy and go to a club. I want guys to look at me and smile, not look past me. How about you? What would you secretly like to do? Kellie the Bar Keep 21 days to go!
on 3/1/04 6:59 am - Wayland, MA
I used to be really cute and guys would look at me all the time. Now that I weigh 250 lbs, it doesnt happen anymore. Except the occasional pervert who thinks fat chics are easy and he is trying to woo me with Doritos and cat calls. I would love to dress up in a cute pair of low rise jeans.. a low cut shirt and some strappy shoes.. go for a stroll and have men drool over me. My man wouldnt like it too much but thats my secret skinny fantasy. Kellie, we could go together. Also, keeping with my pervert status I have always wanted to have sex in the drivers seat of my car. Of course its physically imposible NOW.. but when I reach goal.. its happening.. lol. -Jessica Offishal Marcher Pervert.
Kathleen O.
on 3/1/04 7:00 am - Renton, WA
Ooooh, this is a good one! I like your secret goal! Personally, I'm too much of a whimp to have my bb pierced, but I think it looks great on other women. Go for it! Well, there are a few things on my list but not exactly secret - like being able to tie my shoes in public without worrying that my pants are gonna BUST open, running around at the park with my kiddoes, that sort of thing... But the SECRET (ssshhh!! Don't tell!) thing on my list is to start enjoying some more... ah... shall we say "exotic" positions with my hubby when we're being romantic. I have fond memories from when we were first married, and while we still have a very active and satisfying "personal" life (TMI? Sorry, but you asked!), but I just can't physically DO all of the things I used to be able to. *sigh* getting old sucks. Anyway, that's the one that hit me right off the bat. I'll probably think of others, since I know I've been day-dreaming about this for a while. OH, I know another one, a quickie... Going to my 20 year high-school reunion (in '05) and KNOCKING THEIR SOCKS OFF!!! Let them eat their hearts out. Kathleen
Kimmer K.
on 3/1/04 7:02 am - Waterford, MI
KELLIE!! Haven't you heard that 'saying' that "...two can keep a secret...as long as one of them is dead..."??? (It's actually a title to a very good book about bikers...) You WANT us to tell you our secrets? Cheez! Alright, my 'secret' is that I've worked for Da Evil Boss Lady as her assistant for over 10 years now. She's discouraged me from taking promotions, etc, just so I could stay and serve her purpose and make HER look good, etc. I've lost out on a lot of good postions as a result. It's been a nice ride, I've done well, but I've worked myself SICK, and the past 2-4 years my fibromyalgia has worsened tremendously, causing me to miss a LOT of work. Now I don't know if I COULD get a promotion 'cuz where I work, they demand you have perfect (or near-perfect) attendance, even if you're dead. She rubs this in my nose all the time now, that all the promotions I've passed up are no longer an option 'cuz of my attendance. Granted, we ALL know they can't use a disability against you for promotional purposes, but just TRY to prove that that's why they passed you by. So my 'secret' is that I'm returning to "the floor" (in the workroom floor), and I'm going to re-build my attendance again WHEN (did you hear that...not IF but WHEN...) this WLS works to reduce the FMS symptoms. Then I'm going to GET myself a promotion in an area that I've gained expertise in the past 10 years, and I'm going to tell her "Well, you didn't want to let me go, you tried to take away my self-worth as an employee, but once again, you did NOT succeed". How do you like DEM apples? Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles Zero-minus-7 and 5 workdays!
on 3/1/04 7:12 am - Ft Gaines, GA
I want RESPECT. I too have been passed up on a lot of things and I think part of it is my weight. I worked my A__ off for years and it never got me anywhere so the last few years....nope not me. Not anymore. I want to be paid for the knowledge I have and have given. But you know..maybe these 6 weeks off will be proof in the pudding. They are actually freaking out that I will be gone that long.
Kimmer K.
on 3/1/04 7:24 am - Waterford, MI
Hey, Sugarplum! Ain't it a kick? Everyone just thought I was going to be on a surgical leave. They didn't realize 'til last week that I'm leaving this position, not coming back here after surgery. Everyone is NOW freakin' out..."OMG...who's going to do all this? Who's even qualified to do it? I don't know how to do the first part of what you do. I don't know the people you do to get stuff done... You don't think she's going to expect ME to do it, do you? Forget that...I don't get paid enough... You're going back to the floor? Have you lost your mind? You can't leave us...you're a permanent fixture here...blah blah blah..." They just can't believe I'm leaving FOR GOOD. If nothing else, I've been vindicated in that sense. I'm sure there are those who thought I had a "cush" position, but they never saw me working after hours, they don't realize I just turned 100K miles on my Camaro 'cuz when there's a meeting halfway across the state and someone helped themselves to my staff car, I still had to attend. Nope, they're all just now waking up to what a long hard road it's been for me. Yup, I'm returning to the floor. Then I'll go from there. Getting a whole new life in many ways, and it starts March 9th! Gotta love it! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles Zero-minus-7 and 5 workdays!
Marla M.
on 3/1/04 9:05 am - Hillsborough, NJ
Mine's actually not a secret, cause I've told some this before. But, what I'm looking forward to the most is spending real quality time with my daughter, instead of jus****ching her grow. I want to follow her through the jungle gyms, take her to an amusement park and go on the rides with her, but most of all, I want her to sit on my lap when I read her a story, instead of sitting on the arm of the chair. I want to teach her how to ride a bike, and not just hope she'll figure it out on her own. Oh - I'd also like to go to my next high school reunion and see their faces! I've been invisible long enough!! (Isn't it amazing someone so large could be invisible to so many!). mgm 15 days to go
on 3/1/04 9:18 am - Ocala, FL
HIYA KELLI WE SHARE THE SAME DAY! You know what a year from now when were all looking , we can go out n get anything our lil hearts desire!!!! except chocolate, cake, cookies, icecream....hahahaha MEN ARE STILL FAT FREE!!! AS FAR AS i KNOW! p.s. dont tell my soon to be hs. ! lol
Jackie A.
on 3/1/04 10:25 am - San Antonio, TX
Well, I have a few fantasies that need doing when I get healthy (notice the "healthy" not "skinny" word!!! ). So here goes- in no particular order: 1) flying in an airline seat and not feeling like a freak, having the stewardess (excuse me, attendant or whatever politically correct title you call them these days) NOT ask in a voice a deaf man could hear if I needed a seatbelt extender, and not having the person sitting next to me freak out if some little part of me actually touches them. Can you tell this experience still touches a sore spot? 2) Oh I am so in tune with the "dress sexy and make them pant after you fantasy!!! " I am single, ready to change that status and so - lookout guys here comes the new me!!! 3) I have always wanted to take up fencing and horseback riding- no, not the kind that keeps the dogs and kids in, but -- well think ----- Zorro or something like that. A local community college actually does classes in it and a student of mine from last school year, her parents are both teachers and give private lessons. 4) I want to take up photography. I have even recently purchased a professional camera. I love black and white pictures an want to do wildlife photos. As big as i am, even walking round the halls at school is painful. 5) I want to play with my nieces and nephews more. I love them to pieces and feel so bad when I can't really do much with them. 6) I want to travel. I love to see new places, meet new people, and soak up new cultures. Being so big has mad that almost impossible. 7) I want to be pain free. I want to give up my elevator key ( i am on the 3rd floor) and walk up the stairs without it feelinglike I ran a marathon and without it taking a good 20 minutes with a rest break. 8) I want to be more energetic.
Samantha M.
on 3/1/04 10:26 am - North Waterboro, ME
Hello all.....ready for a book! Gosh, trying to decide what out of the billions of things that I am looking forward to. First and formost, I am looking forward to rolling around the ground with my gorgeous daughter this fall in a BIG pile of leaves and taking her for walks this spring in my NEW jogging stroller. Secondly, hip hugger jeans and crop tee, i'm 26 and hopefully will still be able to pull it off. Watching all of my guy friends that I only see once a year FREAK out because I have always been their Fat little girl. Man are they going to be shocked! Lastly, waking down the street and having some guy turn his head at me and having my husband right their next to me and see it. He has been so good to me and he deserves to have a wife that he can be proud of. So many other things but I think those are the top. I love reading everyone else's ideas! Oh, wait, thought of another one. The look on my brother's face when he see's me in 6 months....he has always treated me like I was invisible because of my weight. Sam
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