Melinda --
There are so many people praying for all of us, and in particular for you BY NAME (my mom, "The Queen Mum", for instance), that you should feel that fear dissipate. And if you don't, just come here and let it out. We'll get you thru it!
This is the best thing you could do for yourself...AND for your life!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-7 and 5 workdays!

Melinda, My surgery is also a week away, 8th @ 8:00am. So just remember that your not going through this alone, At the same time your in having surgery there will be alot of people going through it. You will be in my throughts and prayers. So just sit back and enjoy the ride.
"For all thing work together, For them that love the Lord"