surgery and riddle answer
Hi Guys and Gals, I have not been around today so I will post the answer to yesterday's riddle. It was Time and if I believe, Sally you are right again. Do you have a book of Riddles or something? lol.. Anyways... I know I have not posted a riddle today but I may hold off until after surgery. Mo, I will let you know how things go once I am out of surgery. I am so scared but I know God will pull me through this!! Sorry for not getting to anyones messages today. Thank you to ALL who have posted to me with best wishes. You all are great and thank you all who posted back to my thread about me being terrified. To everyone going on the 1st...CONGRATS!!!! Have a wonderful and safe journey to NewPouch! God Bless you all and I will see you on the losing side!!! (((((MARCHERS))))) I love you all!!!
Bethany Da Riddler
2 Days till NewPouch
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!