7 A.M. Monday Morning Surgery... Tomorrow!!!
The time has come... Tomorrow Morning (Monday, March 1, 7:00am) I finally have the surgery. I'm not as scared as I was when i first started searching this sight. There has been so much helpful information here.
Question??? What has worked best for you as far as "getting moving" after the surgery? I know walking is best, but does anyone use tapes for inside? My husband seems to think this will not work. I think there should be a mixture of all outside walking, tapes, treadmill, gym... he seems to be kinda close minded where this is concerned. He is SOOOOO supportive in every other area. but with this he thinks I am looking for a cop out to not get out and that I'll not get out and start staying home and not the the physical activity that I need. I am not looking for a cop out, I just want a back up for when I cant get out. What works for you? Do you get stuck in a rut if you stop getting out?
My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow Sarah.
As far as after surgery, I have a friend that set up a map in her room. Every day she walked, she mapped out the distance. She started in NJ, and has now walked all the way to Ohio - a little bit at a time! When she needs to walk inside, she has her treadmill set up in front of the tv and puts on travel tapes, so she's "walking" in all these exotic locations. They are little things, but they've helped her tremendously.
I plan on doing something similar. I've got a glider set up in front of the TV with a map on the wall next to it. I'm goin' to walk south where its warm and then west-ward ho! Maybe I'll end up in Alcapulco - by then I should be able to fit into a really nice bathing suit too!!
Hugs to you!!
16 days to loserville!!
Prayers and best wishes for a successfull surgery and recovery, Sarah!
As far as your exercise is concerned, you have to do what you feel your body can handle. So if you feel good enough to go outside and walk, and your doctor says is OK, then by all means, go!
Personally, I like your idea of having tapes to alternate with your walking. I get bored doing the same thing repeatedly.

Good Luck and many blessings to you as you take a new path on the other side!!!
As to tapes, - absolutely! I still remember listening to them as I was trying to do "treadmill trudging" as I call it. I get bored easily, so I like to rotate things about. I love to swim, and really enjoy water aerobics alot. Local gyms and even the local "Y" should be able to help out there. Swimming was always my reward after treadmilling or anything else.