Surgery date postponed
My surgery date has been postponed.
I have come down with a pretty bad case of pneumonia, coughed so much and so hard that I've broken a couple of ribs and torn some cartilage... it don't feel too good.
Anyway, doc won't do surgery until I heal, so he's rescheduled it for March 31. Everyone please pray that I am completely over this by then!!! I need to have this surgery!!!
Thanks all!!!

Tammy - I am so sorry to hear you are sick. Just stay away from the z-pack. All that does for pneumonia and bronchitis is delay the real treatments from working. I had the creeping crud in my lungs for 3 months last winter and because the Z-pack was supposed to work for 10 days, I took the 4 or 5 days (whatever it is) and waited and nothing happened. I went to the ER one day and the doctor told me he just had read in a medical journal that morning that Z-pack doesn't even touch these URI bugs. He gave me amoxicillin and it started clearing up right away. I wasted a lot of time waiting for the z-pack to start working. Happened again when they used it on my sinus infection...nothing. So for me, I think the z-just doesn't work at all, but especially on the URI's.
Good luck and keep us posted on how you are feeling!