Attack of nervous!!!
Hi Everyone,
I have been gone for the last day doing things with my kids and hubby. ( family time) I have been saying how excited I am that my day is almost here. Well today at church when everyone was saying God is with you. We will be praying for you,speedy recovery etc etc etc I think I was having a mini break down. I couldn't stop crying. Any little thing is causing me to have mini melt downs. Nothing could change my mind about having surgery but I am having a hard time keeping my spirits up. All I am hoping is that everything goes well. I would hate to think that by doing this I could be leaving my children with out a mom and my husband with out a wife. See I just needed to vent. I feel much better now. More so because I know I am not the only first weeker having these feelings. Thanks to all my friends here and all the support I have been getting. It is going to make this journey alot easier!!!
Chief Nutkin (Karen)
It is so natural to be nervous at this point. Today I just lay on the bed for a while gazing at the ceiling and thinking about the tremendous changes coming. I've been so nervous that my appetite has actually decreased over the last two days (that never happens!) Just remember we're all in this together. We're holding your cyber hands and praying. Always praying that we all come through this wonderfully, remarkably well.
I know sometimes I think, "Am I being selfish?" "What if I don't make it?"
I know that God will be watching over us. We have to have faith in our decisions, that it's the right decision for us. We will be healthier and happier and that will be better for everyone in our families.
Hugs and Kisses,
Karen Losano