New To board..and have surgery on March 8, 2004
Hi All,
I am new to these boards, but have been in and around this site for a while. Wanted to join the marchers!!
I am having a lap/rny on march 8, 2004, I live in Maine, and am very excited and all can proabaly relate!
HOpe to hear from you all..and I hope this is a place where we can all connect and help eachother along!
My profile isnt all that complete fyi
I am 35 married with 2 young daughters (4 and 2)
Welcome!! Welcome!! Welcome!!
As you probably already know we are a very friendly, opinionated, hilariously funny group. We pass on vital information, make each other laugh, pray with each other and sometimes shed a tear.
Post often - just wade in here amongst us and make yourself at home. No cliques - No flaming. Just folks trying to help each other get through one of the most exciting times in their lives.
Gotta question?? Ask taboo topics here! Gotta gripe?? ...we'll listen...and if it irritates us too, we'll chime in right along with you!! Having a bad day, and need someone to lean on...there's lot's of shoulders ready, willing and able!!
We are a community not a message board.
Happy thoughts,
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
My Angels ==> Whitney Lori
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
Hi Kris....I am not only a fellow Marcher but a fellow Mainer!!!! I am guessing you are going to Dr. Clough's group. I have heard great things about them! Just wanted to say hi and glad to have you to the group. Whether you post often or not, these people are open, honest and caring. You have a true home here. Good luck!!!!
[email protected]