Our Journey together and my Web Site--Need your input!
I have a web site for my costume business and have designed a page for our journey together, if you all think it will work. It is the second page tab called AMOS and it consists of a banner from here, a table for input and a BMI calculator. Once a month I will remind you all with the link to go out and enter stats and I will keep a spreadsheet or report or something to show our progress. Here you can still keep your more detailed journal entries, but instead of me having to go through each one for the latest stats, this might be kind of fun. Now I need input as to:
1. Yah or Nay to the idea
2. Should I have more individual boxes for each entry or is one big text square ok?
3. Would you rather have a text report or a chart or spreadsheet with the results?
here is the link: www.tealady.org
Thanks and any other suggestions welcome!
Sally, your resident puter-geek
Hey Sally,
Fellow geek here!! I went to your page. You might want to set up input boxes to make it easier for visitors to know what your looking for. As you know,statistics without continuity don't mean much.
Suggestions for boxes.
Height (some of the young ones will stretch back out)
I'm sure there are more, this is just off the top of my head.