Surgery Tuesday Maybe
I'm still scheduled for March 2 surgery but won't know until Monday.
I fasted yesterday for the upper GI and small bowel series. Fun. I drank a half gallon of barium and rolled around on a X-ray table so they could shot images of my digestive system. As the surgeon foretold, nothing was found. Monday I see the hematologist. If he says surgery is a go it will be on Tuesday. If he wants to do more blood work my surgery will be postponed until the surgeon has a free date.
I was so excited about surgery... on top of the world... floating on air... Now since I got the surgeon lecture. Now, I'm in limbo. I don't know if I want someone I think is a jerk cutting me open. Maybe its cold feet.
I'm fasting again today in case of surgery Tuesday but right now I don't care. What ever happens, happens. I think PMS and no food are getting the best of me.