I don't feel so good
Hi all! Sorry I haven't been around for the past few days. I've missed the sick humor and giggles.
I am as sick as a dog! I woke up around 1:30 AM Friday morning, and got sick (I'll spare you the nasty details). After finding some anti-nausea meds my daughter had, I was finallhy able to sleep off and on (mostly on, and after a 2nd dose of the med) for the next 24 hours. I just ate a cheeseburger and a few fries, and now I feel sick all over again. Blah. I'm also running a low-grade fever (99ºF).
My surgery is only four weeks away. My nutrition class is on Friday. This is the first time I've been this sick in a looooong time. I sure hope it goes away soon!
I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening!
Hope you're feeling better soon. Whenever I am ill but still hungry I have cottage cheese and applesauce. I mix it together about half and half. I even gave this to my daughter when she was recovering from wls and was on a soft diet. I used sugar free applesauce and added splenda to it.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for the wonderful advice! The cottage cheese and applesauce seems to have done the trick. While I feel much, much better, I don't feel well enough to go back to regular food just yet, so I'm continuing with the cottage cheese and applesauce today. I may try adding some crackers later on, if I get hungry again. I feel like I have cramps, but AF is supposed to be two weeks away still.
BTW, My illness has produced an 8 lb. weight loss. I only wonder how temporary that will be...
Enjoy your Sunday, all!