Was Lapband now RNY changed 5 days pryor to date.
I am so scared now. I have done all the research on the lapband. I have planned since last July to have that procedure. But during my Pre ops they found I have a gallbladder full of stones. So, I have to switch to the RNY lap and gallbladder removal at the same time. I know so much less about this type. I look forward to anyones advice. Since most of you all have had some insights into this type of surgery. Like I had the visit to find out what to eat and when for the lapband. But i dont know what i should stock in my kitchen for the weeks of struggle ahead. I need emotional support also. Because my husband seems to be distracted most of the time. Like he really isnt concerned. IT MAKES ME FEEL ALONE. I cant talk to my mother she doesnt want me to have this surgery. She likes me fat and unable to live a fullfilling life.
Thanks for the time and release
Julie 38
Hi Julie, I am also having rny,I havnt had any pre-op tests yet so I am not sure if my g/b has to be removed . I am so sorry you are not able to have the band like you wanted , but you will be fine, I am having my wls on March 22nd , if you need a friend to talk to e-mail me ok! I chose not to tell anyone in my family, especially my mom, because i dont want to her to worry, as far as my family knows i am having my g/b/ removed, and some scar tissue removed...after all is said n done i will spill the beans, God bless
It's funny you should say that about not telling your family. I didn't want to tell my sister, my sister-in-law or my Mom. They are all so negative and can be such a downer. I decided that I will tell my Mom though; today. I'm having lunch with her and that's when I'll spill the beans. It'll be our last lunch together for a while. On Tuesday I start a liquid diet for seven days, then clear liquids for two days. My surgery's on March 11th.
I decided to tell my Mom because I think I would feel too guilty keeping it from her. Maybe she'll surprise me and be supportive after all. Keeping my fingers crossed. Good Luck with your surgery and congrats on your date.
Karen ktwinkle Losano
hi julie i am having the rny on the 15th of march right behind you. and from all the research i have done seemed to me the way to go . they also found gallstones in me but i was already scheduled for the open since i have had previous surgeries. my husband sounds alot like yours. and i have not told my parents at all they live in arkansas and i in illinois and i really just do not want to worry them if i can help it. they both have medical problems,my dad has lung cancer and my mom has alzheimers so she would not remember anyway after fifteen minutes. she is in the second stage. i knlw my doc will have me on clear liquids for 3 days the full liquids for 1 week then 6 weeks pureed then after reg food as tolerated. i have purchased unjury protein supplement and fat free carnation instant breakfast so far am. i have bought up some tuna also and applesauce . got my baby vitamins,and gonna get the rest of stuff i need next week after my final surgeons visit. i am a smoker and am really struggling with it. i was smoking 2 plus packs a day but am down to about 4-6 cigarettes a day. so we will see what he says. well hope this helps some and was nice to meet you and good luck.. just leave it in god's hands he'll take care of the rest. debbie
Hi Julie,
I wasn't sure between Lapband and RNY when I started my journey. As it turns out I am going open RNY because that is the procedure my doctor does. I am comfortable with that because the RNY procedure has been around longer and is a much more proven method.
I haven't gone for my final pre op yet, but the progression of liquids to pureed to solids that my doctor explained to me at my consultation sounds about the same as what Debbie described.
I am sure you will be fine.
doin' the 22 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
Naturally there are plusses and minuses to both. I think the big plus for lap band is that it's not as major of a surgery in the sense that your stomach and intestine remain the same. Other than that, the RNY has proven to be more successful in losing weight and keeping it off. Also, with the lap band, you'll have to have regular adjustments so you'll be spending a lot more time in doctor's offices.
There's lots of information about both types of procedures available on this web site.
Best of luck.
I go to the same Dr as Mary. Our doctor only does the Open RNY. After the power point presentation he did I felt more comfortable. He has room to do all he needs to do if he has to remove the gallbladder. I perfer him to have all the room he needs to make sure all is done well and properly. The recovery time is more but less risk of having to go back in. I am comforable with the RNY open.
Julie, first let me give you a big hug (((Hugs))) I know just what you are going through hun, its hard knowing you do not have the support from your family and friends, but I keep telling myself they will come around. Maybe you husband just does not show his feelings, but i am sure he will be there for you in the end. It is easy to say cheer up when I myself have been feeling so down. But there are so many good people on this board, and we all support and love you and what your doing is a great thing for yourself and your future. Good Luck Hun. I will keep you in my prayers.