Pre-Op was a breeze!!!!
Hey Marchers!!!
I'm back!!!! Had my pre-op today. My appointment with my surgeon was for 11:15 but he was running late due to an emergency surgery so I didn't actually get in until 12:20. I was almost late for my hospital pre-admission stuff, but I made it (with 2 minutes to spare).
My Dr. answered my questions. Of course I thought of about 5 more after I got home . He showed me where my 6 incisions would be, told me what to expect when I got to the hospital and that was it. Took about 10 minutes. When I got to the hospital they copied my insurance cards then I went to a room with a nurse. She asked me a bunch of questions about my medical history etc., took blood and vitals, did an EKG and then took me to have a chest x-ray. Everything went fine!!!! So unless something shows up in the blood tests there is no problem and I am good to go for 3/11. And I'm not worried about the blood tests because I asked my PCP to do the same blood work at my last physical so that he would catch anything BEFORE I was ready to have surgery and everything was fine then.
I also wanted to let you all know that my Mom came to watch my kids and so she is here for the weekend. So you all won't see me much until late Sunday evening or Monday sometime because I'm spending time with my Ma! She lives 3 1/2 hours away so I'm going to take advantage of this time with her. I'll be missing you all though, thinking of you, praying for you and anxiously awaiting having time to catch up on everything that has been going on.
See you all later. Thanks for all the prayers!!! I's luvs ya guys!!!
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary (a/k/a CCQC)
13 Days and a Wake Up to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angellettes ==> Joann B. , LaDonna D. , (Jill C.? still waiting to hear back from Jill if she wants me to be her Angel)