It's becoming so real.
It has seemed like a dream til now. Twelve days and a wake-up and I'll be on my way to a healthier, thinner, more stylish (?) me.
I have three days of real food til I begin my liquid diet. The liquid diet worries me a bit. I'm afraid I'll be so hungry!!! I'll want ice cream in my protein shakes. I'll be good, like I should. I want all to go smoothly after surgery. I'm a bit nervous
It's great to hear from all you Marchers and read your positive and inspirational words. You're angels!
Be strong, you're stronger than you know. We'll be wearing bathing suits, size 12, by the pool this summer, sipping....water and protein shakes
Luv to all!
Karen ktwinkle
I had my pre-op and was scheduled for surgery 3/16.
They thought they saw an abmormality in my EKG, so I had to have a cardio cath, which I did yesterday, now I find out that 'the powers that be' bumped me from my scheduled spot, seems like they couldn't wait 7 days to find out the results. No one can believe this, the Cardiac team, the anisthia(sp) team, so all I know at this time is I've been bumped, don't have another date. But boy did I write a couple of scathing letters today.
So it's waiting game again for me And I'm not an easy person to get along with right now and WLS are at the receiving end of my wrath.
Oh ya, by the way, not a fricken thing wrong with my heart is what the conclusion of the cath was.
Oh Karen, you have made me think that this year I will really really care if our pool gets opened. I don't think the cover has been off it in 3 years at least. I can't wait to spend lazy weekends floating on my raft and soaking up some sun and not feeling like a beached whale!!!
doin' the 22 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
A pool is my dream. Also travelling. I love staying at a beautiful resort with a georgeous pool, palm trees and cabana boys. Just joking about the cabana boys. I'm 48 and a Grandmother of 2 with another one on the way. As a matter of fact my daughter's due date is March 12th the day after my surgery. It will be the birth of my grandchild and a re-birth for me. I can't wait.
Size 8 by summer? Let's go for it!
Karen ktwinkle Losano