For those who are having surgery next week.
I just wanted to wish you all the very best. I hope your surgery is succesful and your recovery uneventful and your weight loss is just what you want it to be.
I started to post on the surg pages but that would take up more time than I have.
If anyone needs an angel let me knw. I don't know exactly what to do but if you want or need an angel I'll do my best.
Louise has made an important observation. We Marchers stand on the brink of change. Change we are going to create. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
Marchers are about to become butterflies!
We'll shed our heavy pounds and take flight as we always imagined.
First weekers you are our leaders, our heroes, taking the first steps for all of us. We all are behind you wanting your success. Don't forget that.
Love to all first weekers, Jewell
I wish to send my heartfelt thanks to all of you out there in CyberWorld for all your kind words, thoughts, prayers, advice and support (whew!). !!! Yesterday I had my pre-op/pre-admission, and today I met for final instructions, etc. Monday is the big day for many of us, and the rest of the week is chock-a-block full of even more losers, ready and eager to join the ranks of the post-ops! Every day of March will have someone, somewhere, undergoing surgery, and to all of you I say "CONGRATULATIONS FOR MAKING SUCH A FANTASTIC, LIFE-SAVING DECISION!" I am telling my family and friends to be ready to celebrate a "new" holiday next year: my "ReBirthday" party!!!! I am totally serious, and you might want to do the same. After all, it really will be a rebirth of sorts. I will be sure to get back here, as soon as I can, to tell you how I am and how well everything went. I have yet to be worried, one single moment, in anticipation of my surgery. God Bless you all, and keep in touch!
To my fellow first weekers I like Louise was trying to post to each surgery page but the numbers kept creeping up and I just don't have time to post to each page. You each will be in my prayers alone with myself as we each face a new life next week. I don't know about you guys but I'm ready for the journey. I know with God's help we will all make it to the finish line, May God Bless and Keep us all. Remember God will never place on us more than we could bear. I love all you guys.