Suggest or not, don't expect me to walk in lock step
You are one smart cookie
Now Kimmer you gots me all confused, ya no you ain't no Susie, you's is Kimmer, and by da way I ain't no loose umman ether, whatcha talken dat way for?
Take care all my crazy, loving, take care of all of us Marchers before we take care for ourselves kind of people, shows what kind of family we really are. You are all family to me and I love you all.
And by the way, I'm getting pretty sore knees down here on the floor praying for everyone of you.
Love and Peace
I think some people just live to make others or TRY to make others as miserable as they are themselves. .. Fortunately the Marchers as a group refuse to let that happen here.
If I don't want to read something. I hit the back button, or I scroll REALLLY REALLLLLLLLLLLLY fast through it. .. Works for me every time.
doin' the 23 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
You got one of those fancy models with the scroll bar and back button, eh? Wow. I guess some of the models out there came with those features "optional" and the users didn't pick up those options. Probably cost too much.
But I'll bet they have a hot key that types out "OT".
Gets A Two-Hour Litter Box Penalty
Zero-minus 11 and 5 workdays to go!
OMG......I'm sitting here LMAO, wiping tears away from laughing so hard!
I just went back and was going to re-read GW's original post, as I've done several times with the entire thread (perhaps to re-check myself yet one more time to make sure that my ire is justified). I didn't get past the second line of her FIRST paragraph, where she arrogantly says "Have at me, I'm not interested."
OMG...we should have all just replied "Neither are we...", left it at that, and pi$$ed on HER parade! BWAHAHAH!!! ROFLMAO I do believe that will be my stand next time a drive-by critic comes to call.
Man, did we fall in to that one, or what? Oh, that 20/20 hindsight HURTS sometimes! ::wiping tears from eyes:
I Slay Myself At My Ignorance Sometimes
Zero-minus 11 and 5 workdays to go!
Kimmer -
When I'm in a funk, I always bite...even when I know I'm being baited. Guess I need to go take a pill today. I'm really feeling pissy on here. Not IRL, but just here. It really makes me mad about that stinking surgeon's board. They annoy me over there. Talk about a wallflower. I can jump up and down and ask them to pay attention and they blow right past me.
Whassamatta? Did I forget to put on pit juice? Do my dogs stink?