Yeah That's what i say if people don't like the way we run our board don't come here. I just had to respond to the original Ot post that told us how we should post from a person "THINKING" about surgery. Well on her. We have a good thing going here. Others who don't like the way things are done can just saddle up and
Hey, Recovering Lurker, Renee...
I only have a little while: got things to do, but I don't have to pick up Da Queen Mum 'til tomorrow. So I thought I'd put MY 'spin' on this:
1) This board is OUR HOME. Visitors may pass through all they want, and hopefully they will see excitement, courage, love and a very closely knit DIVERSE extended family. Hopefully they will find information to answer questions they've been wondering about, and if not, hopefully they'll ask it if they don't see it. But most hopefully, they'll see that you do NOT have to look this WLS in the face while trembling, but will be rolled into that surgical suite, throw out your arm and say "Okay, Doc...gimme the happy juice and let's get ON with this!" and give him a thumbs up. THAT is what the Marchers are about.
2) This board is NOT Politically Correct. It does not demand netiquette in order to hang out here. We do not demand that anyone refrain from writing in CAPS, we do NOT demand that you only use Priority Stars for urgent or time-sensitive posts: what is urgent to one is urgent to all. We do NOT have a moderator and never will: IMHO, the only 'moderation' should be if someone slimes someone else, and God help the person who does that: I was a notorious flamer in days past, and I will semantically chew anyone up and spit them out in scattered letters on the monitor if they dare to attack another Marcher as long as I'm around. We consider everyone's requests, although no one is obligated to abide by them: be couteous and look at things from their point of view. We will use this board for its intent: SUPPORT, in whatever form that takes. We will always strive to make anyone and everyone feel welcome. But this is our HOME. Don't come into my home and tell me how to arrange the furniture: go to YOUR home and do that. If you don't have a home, get one. And don't forget your furniture...
3) I will no longer waste my valuable time on "drive-by criticism" from those who feel the need to criticize a group of people that they are not a 'part' of. Unfortunately, this includes lurkers. If a lurker feels that they need to express something, so be it. However, if they express it and leave to lurk elsewhere, I will not even try to accommodate their request from this point on. GW staged a pretty pompous and condescending attack on "us" the other day, and too many Marchers were affected by it. When GW took to taking a personal attack on a Marcher, I 'lost it' and stepped in and respectfully suggested that she apologize to that Marcher, also warning GW that an attack to someone else (not necessarily to us, but ANYone) of that caliber could cause dangerous repercussions to that person in the future, and GW wouldn't know about it or think twice about it. GW has never been back - what does THAT tell you? She has no history of posting elsewhere, either. Perhaps she's still lurking, but she doesn't have the CAJONES to do the right thing and apologize like any human being with feelings would do. Thus, I have to agree with the Marcher (I BELIEVE it was, in fact, my Angel, Kathy ) who said that some people just need attention and are going to get it in any way they can, even if it's negative attention, 'cuz by golly, even negative attention is STILL attention! Frankly, after re-reading GW's posts, I now see a saccharine-sweet condescending attitude that is as caustic as lye underneath the fluff. I hope she got her rocks off, 'cuz she's not going to have a second chance for a repeat-performance here. I will no longer humor someone who has not shown their face at least ONCE to us. If you are not 'participating' in our support group, then IMHO, you have no right to criticize it or request alterations to our 'style'. Call me judgemental if you choose (altho I don't believe that I am), but I feel very strongly about it now. Bottom line - I will no longer waste valuable time on them that I can be using with my Marchers. I do not know what GW's intent was besides getting attention (pretty pitiful when someone has to grab a morsel of attention THAT way...), but if her intent was to divide us and ruin our momentum, I fear she ran away when she realized it backfired and only CEMENTED that glue that's holding us together. This proved who WE are (yes, GW, if you're reading this...WE). I will no longer humor these types.
4) This board is NOT politically correct Yes, I know I said that already, but I think it's important to realize that. It seems that we all kinda like it that way.
Alright, that's enough for me. I will not "OT" my posts and do not expect anyone else to. If you feel the need to, go for it! But IMHO, NOTHING on this board is OT to me...if it's a concern to you, it's a concern to me.
Stick me with a fork, I'm done now.
Spewing Off In A Rare Venting
Zero-minus-11 and 5 workdays to go!
Here is "no nonsense Louise" as my daughter jokingly refers to me. At least I hope she's joking.
Anyway I wanted to give my input on the subject of OT (that is off topic for you newbies). I like the idea of putting OT in the subject, so that I can decide whether or not to look at a post. While we are a very caring and supportive group of folks here, who answer and support all posters and lurkers, we are still posting on a message board dedicated to obesity and mainly weight loss surgery. All other posts are OT. IMO OT posts are fine, sometimes it helps us get to know one another, sometimes they have nothing to do with me. Then I just skip them. That is my humble opinion on the matter.
BTW - what is a guardian of the chair? Why do we need a guardian or even a chair?
To me OT is just fluff...generally I can tell pretty much what is in the post by the title. If I get there and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be I back out. I've lost maybe 5 seconds.
The chair is an example of being scared, get the drift...Kelley is the guardian of the chair because usually when someone comes in wigged-out of their mind over something, she's the first one on the scene consoling them. Thus she became the guardian of the she watches over our frightened crew.
Hope this helps,
ok Renee, as Offishal Lead Lurker, I say you cannot go back to full time lurking !! you MAY lurk some .. but you have come out of the closet now and I see you hiding under the chair .. I will make a deal with you .. if you come out more . you can be Offishal Assistant Lurker !!!
doin' the 23 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
OH MO!!!
You gonna start somethin' here!! If we give her a title then she's Offishal and all that!!!! Then can't stay under that chair!!! She'll need a new security blanket!!
Hmmmmm....there aren't many warm fuzzies in that batch of emoticons is there????
Renee' Offishal Assistant Lead Lurker it's catchy but there's some big ole hairy strings attached....
Happy thoughts,
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
My Angels ==> Whitney Lori
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A