Time Change but Date the same..........
Hey all,
I've just come from my final pre-doctor's visit and I have been moved to first string. I'm now at 7:30 am instead of 9:30 am, so I'll be his first case of the day. I have to be at the hospital by 6:00 Tuesday morning.
Well, the count down continues!!
Happy thoughts,
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
My Angels ==> Whitney Lori
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
Hey thats cool! I'm supposed to be the first one going in on the 12th and I'd rather that. I'll be upset if I'm not first. I know the night before surgery is gonna be tuff, so the sooner I get in the better. Wow, just 4 more days for you! I can't believe it. March is just coming so quick!
Offishal Birthday Baroness & Offishal Guardian of the Chair
13 days and a wake up
Way good 'upgrade', Va!
I'm LAST of 3 for my surgeon that day (altho I won't know 'til the day before...they do have cancellations). I don't mind, but I'd much rather be "early in, early out".
At least by the time he gets to me, he'll be "broken in" for the day. I am, however, gonna hold up a few fingers and ask him "how many fingers do you see?". If he answers wrong, I'm gonna request to be rescheduled as first on another day.
A Long Stretch Between NPO At Midnite And Her Surgery
Zero-minus 11 and 5 workdays to go!