What's your last meal gonna be?
Well, I think my last week before surgery is planned for me and I will adhere to it...I sort of treated my birthday dinner as one of my last specials and had pizza, but found I couldn't eat as much as before...I think my mind-set is already good. I know that I will miss candy and good meat.....but I think later on I may be able to add meat back into my life...but will try to say good-by to my candy friends.
MY last meal with be at Red Lobester with a bunch of my friends. Of course I'm going to get Lobester and YUMMMMMM those biscuits... Then a couple ****tails. Then go the bar for my last pitcher of New Castle and Guiness.. I'm really not sad about the food. My thought is that this is my goodbye to food like if I was saying goodbye to a bad relationship. Believe me, food and me had a bad relationship.
I have the 'secret' recipe to the Cheddar Garlic biscuits...I make 'em a lot, but it's just so much easier to order a dozen to go. I SNARF those things!
Da Queen Mum and I are goin' to Joe's Crab Shack (WILD place, and I'm amazed she likes it there...it's so 'not her'...) and I'm havin' lobster and crablegs with barrels of clarified butter (gee, I wonder why my triglycerides are 733...
). May just DRINK the butter and THEN take a bite of crab/lobster (oh, can't...can't drink and eat anymore...
Then, my bestest friend and I have reservations next Friday at Mountain Jacks (do you guys have those around or is it a Detroit restaurant?) for the house cut of prime rib: it's seasoned JUST perfectly and actually falls apart. I'm REALLY lookin' forward to that.
Goin' Out In Style And Bulk
Zero-minus 11 and 5 workdays to go!

Great thread - gives me more ideas! LOL!
I'm trying not to buy into the "last meal" thing because I am trying to remind myself that except for sugar, I can have almost anything post surgery on special occasions.
That being said, I am having a few special things leading up. I think the day before I'll likely get whatever is available at the hotel we'll be staying at. Haven't a clue to their menu, but it's in Mexico, so I suspect refried beans will be involved somehow. That ought to make the after surgery gas really nasty!
I had dinner w/a friend at the Olive Garden last night. It was really good but I definitely realize why I need this surgery because I was still hungry after dinner. A plate of ravioli in a single layer just doesn't fill me. But it was yummy!
I will have Chinese maybe this next week and I would love the Olive Garden again before I go. I will also have french toast for breakfast a couple times too. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Most of all, I'm trying not to overindulge. I don't want to gain before I go if I can keep from it. It probably won't matter too much, but my back hurts enough - I don't need to make it worse. I will eat what I feel like eating, but I'm not doing "last supper" mentality. I did that with every diet I was ever on. This *has* to be different for me.
Dina ----who is famished about now!

Well, my last meal will be at a party, so whatever they are servin, I'll be tastin! I will, however, go to a local place the week before for a crock of the best and cheesiest french onion soup ever - that'll just start me off. I typically ignore the 1st 3 pages of the menu, but this time I plan on lookin there and orderin one of the delectable deserts on those pages. Great menu huh- 1st 3 pages are deserts only!! my kind of place!!