Prayers for pain management please...
A friend from my surgeon's board who I put a support request up about a couple days ago had her surgery today (Deanne White). She is having problems with pain management and I was hoping to get some of you to help pray for her relief of pain. She says whatever they are giving her is barely taking the edge off and doesn't last long enough. I'm wondering if it isn't morphine because morphine doesn't do CRAP for me. Anyway, if you could send up a few for her, I'd be grateful! Thanks you beautious Marchers!
Dina --who has to go to work now.....bye bye!
Dungeon Master --
She's already been included (inadvertently) in my "umbrella" prayers for pain management for all of us WLS folk. I KNOW this is going to be rough for all of us post-op, but we will all vary in our particular thresholds.
Dina, I think I read that you have FMS, too, so I've been praying a little more for you. Due to the Substance P issues we have, we'll probably feel it more than most. But hey, no pain, no gain (or in this case, no loss). Like I keep telling people "I'd rather be in mind-boggling pain for a short time than have to live in moderate-severe pain every day for the rest of my life".
Anyway, I'm kickin' up the prayers a notch for her. Keep us posted.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-11 and 5 work days to go!