5 Questions for Tomorrow--searching your psyche
Oh Sally I see you've gotten caught up in the stuff around here.
To answer your questions:
I like mornings but only after coffeee.
I was born in NYC and now live in upstate NY and FL. I've travelled around the world, but love FL.
I've participated in talent shows - did some dancing - but in the last several years I mostly choreographed.
I have always loved summer - that's why I live in FL when I can.
When I was 9 yo I wanted to be a cowgirl, live in CO and change my name to "Boots".
1. Are you a "Morning" or a "Night" Person? Thats depends... I'm usually an all day person!
2. What State(or Country if not the USA) were you born in? And where do you live at present? Born In Massachusetts and live in Massachusetts
3. If you HAD to participate in a talent show, what talent would you perform and why? A dance routine I love to Dance!!!
4. What is your favorite time of the year? Spring! Love the warm weather!
5. If you HAD to change your first name, what name would you select? good question...I don't know. I can't imagine myself with a different name. Maybe Princess Consuela Banana Hammock
Offishal B-Day Baroness And Offishal Guardian of the Chair
13 days and wake up!