I can't believe yall got that snow!!! It felt like snow here today and usually when you get snowed on, it sneaks up here to Maryland and comes up the bay and nails us too, but it's going to be 50's on Saturday here and in the 60's on Sunday and Monday. Maybe it will warm up and the snow will go away soon !!!
doin' the 24 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
Welcome to Michigan, LaDonna!
When I heard you guyses were gettin' nailed yesterday, all I could think was "'bout TIME it was someone else!" (Sorry...)
Everyone's said this has been one LONG winter. I'm so sick of the snow and ice. I have 2 driveways on my property - one 'normal' (flat, short, leads up to the garage) and one "unusual" long one (goes entire depth of my property, parallel to the side of my property, goes uphill up against a concrete wall, leads up to a parking area where you can park 4 cars). The "long" is my normal drive. But just yesterday I finally RAMRODDED my Camaro up it and 'rocked' it into place in the parking area. Very tricky...if it fishtails going uphill, the concrete wall will take out the side of the car. But I was so SICK of parking in the other drive, I chanced it...and won! It 'landed' in about 8" of melting wet snow that resembles SnowCone icey slushy stuff, and this morning my tires were kinda frozen IN to the slushy stuff. We're gettin' 50-60 degree weather this weekend, so hopefully all that SnowCone stuff will melt and flood my front yard and I'll have a normal place to park again...front yard turns into The Mudville Flats during spring thaw...not fun with 2 dogs muddying up my floors...
GOOD news for YOU, tho...heard you guys are hittin' high temps this weekend, too, so you'll be swimmin' in it instead of skating on it again!
Hang in there...Spring is coming!
Favorite Season Is Spring
Zero-minus-11 and 5 work days to go!
Hello there from sunny California
Just kidding Its been pouring rain here, yesterday we had hail, and thundershowers. Thats kinda fun until you have to go out in it
Well, I guess you can be greatful you are inside with heat??? I do however agree with
Take care,
( There is another Julie posting, so I will use my real name)
3 days until my journey!!