I've had several rounds of blood work, a psych eval, 2 EKG's, an echocardiogram, a physical performance test, and pulminary test.
Hope this helps,
5 sunrises until my new life begins
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
My Angels ==> Whitney Lori
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
My doctor requires Echocardiogram, Pulmonary Function Tests, a visit with a Pulmonologist, a Psychological Exam, Ultrasound of the lower legs to detect deep vein thrombosis, labs, EKG, Chest X-ray, EGD if you have a history of reflux or ulcers, and sleep study if indicated by Pulmonologist. Other doctors, may require a little more, some a little less, just depends.
Angels: Lori and Va
Angel to Lori and Va
Offishal Marcher Sunday School Teacher