Help,re: pulmonary funct. test
Whit, Darlin'...
I'm with you here...there are only 2 things that I'm not looking forward to (post-op pain not included...that's too much for me to think about right now). ABGs and the possibility that they may insert an arterial line (to monitor my vitals during surgery). One of the only times I ever saw my Dad cry and "OUCH!" and moan was when they drew his ABGs (JUST before they put him on a vent). I don't know if he had a bad venapuncturist or what, but he was IN PAIN (and he NEVER complained one iota when he was 'suffering' from cancer). I've heard thru the years that this is NOT a fun poke, so I have this thing in my mind that it's gonna hurt bad (seeing my Dad's reaction just won't leave my mind). But last nite I started doing "self talk" that it's JUST another lab, it'll only take a minute, blah blah blah (not to mention I've been praying that I get an "artist" in the poking area). But I'm with ya here, and I don't flinch too much at pain, having been in chronic pain for years now.
We'll get thru it...I'm just a bit leery right now...
Poked So Many Times She Should Look Like A Colander
Zero-minus-11 and 5 work days to go!
Nope it doesn't hurt. Usually when they do it (its in the wrist) they give you a shot of novacaine (SP?) then wait a few minutes, and then start. The needle to draw blood doesn't hurt going in, but you can feel pressure when its coming out. Nothing bad though, I promise!
Offishal Birthday Baroness & Offishal Guardian of the Chair
Exactly 2 weeks from today!!!! YEAH BABY!!!