Sample Day's Menu
This is from the Nutrionist at my Dr's office Every hour is 4-6 oz.
8-9 am Soupy cereal
9-10 Skim Milk
10-11 Apple Juice
11-12 Water
12-1 V-8 Juice
1-2 Strained Cream Soup
2-3 Sugar Free Jello
3-4 Skim Milk
4-5 Grape Juice
5-6 Sugar Free Popcicle
6-7 Strained Creamed soup
7-8 Water or non-caloric drink
8-9 Sugar Free Pudding
Maybe this will give some of you some ideas
Don't worry about the 6 times per day. Everybody and every doctor's different on this. In the post-gastric bypass diet book I received from the University of Washington they say to "Eat only three meals per day, preferablyh at meal times with your family". The nutritionist told me that if I do feel the need to snack, a low-fat mozzarella cheese stick is good.
My booklet also says to "Sip on low calorie beverages (water, tea, diet pop) between meals or until your thirst is satisfied. Your daily goal is at least eight 8 oz. cups per day." Again, different doctors recommend different diets and regardless of that, I think individually we will need to find what works for us. I just didn't want you to stress about thinking you needed to eat 5 or 6 times a day.
Ciao for now.
Rob - The March caboose.
"Ciao for now" - Rob's a poet and he don't know it!
Nah, seriously...I think you're right. Once we get past that first two treacherous weeks (which I intend to be 'snowed' as much as possible...
), we're going to have to find our own pace. My nutritionist DID emphasize the first few days at home, that re-admissions to the hospital within the first two weeks are normally due to dehydration. That's why she actually made up a "schedule" for her patients, and it's gonna take all day to get the stuff down at 30 cc. per 'serving', each 30 cc. taking 15 minutes, and working our way up from there. Hey, I'll have nothing better to do 'cep****ch the news and movies 'n hang out in Newpouch, so I don't see it as a problem (oh, and let the dogs in and let the dogs out and let the dogs in ad infinitum...). She DID warn 'bout napping and wanted to be assured someone would be there with me (I live alone) to monitor my intake. Yup, da Mom will be nursin' me back to health, so the nutritionist felt at ease.
Once we find our niche, we're gonna be alright. It's just so new and baffling right now that finding that niche is even mind-boggling!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-12 and 6 workdays!

Hi ya, Martha!!
Looks EERILY similar to my menu! But...I have to put a scoop of that Beneprotein into everything, thus yielding ~65 g. protein per day.
On top of it, my nutritionist warned me to "watch your naps!", that if I nap, I still need to stay on course.
No wonder the recuperation period (off work) is ~6 weeks - it'll be like a full time job just trying to eat all day!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-12 and 6 workdays left!

Hey, Sally...
Luxury? It isn't a luxury, it's required by my surgeon. MINIMAL 6 weeks off, and 'we'll see' at that point. He doesn't mess around, won't allow his "art work" to be compromised.
Due to the massive problems I've had with my fibromyalgia the past 3 years, I've expended all but 8 hours of my accrued sick leave. It's been a VERY painful and bad 3 or so years. I've borrowed off of my retirement to pay the bills while I'm off. I'm going to have to wor****il I'm 113 now.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-11 and 5 work days to go!

Must be nice!!!! I think my Dr is on drugs.
I am to be on clear liquids for the first 6 weeks and then 2 weeks of full fluids and then on to soft foods. Geesh if I followed this diet now I would drop weight like a mad
woman LOL I'm going to try it his way. I think I like your post-op diet better
Chief Nutkin ( Karen )