Ok, I'm back!!!
Well, I think I got myself all worked up and terrified this a.m. over NOTHING!!! The EKG went fine and the blood work was uneventful, (unless something really dastardly comes back in the results .. but I doubt it). It is just a good thing there was no one taking my blood pressure while I waited over an hour and a half for my chest Xray. I was there for over 2 hours, because AFTER it was finally over, I then needed to wait for them to print the films (they don't print any more unless your doctor is not in the system and can't look at them on their network) so I can take them to Dr S. next week. BUT ........... the tech said I have a GREAT set of lungs .
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers this a.m. I think that is what made it all go smoothly.
Now that I am FINALLy in the office, I had better get some work done.
doin' the 24 days and a wake up happy Mo dance