Marchers Rock!
Thanks so much for all the postings regarding my surgery date. You all are the silliest, goofiest, wonderfullest (is that a word?) bunch of people ever. I read your posts and all I could do is grin. I'm so glad to be a part if this community!
Do any of you have friends or relatives who are trying to 'scare' you out of having this surgery?My mother does the she said he said thing to me and tells me all she hears is bad things about it and blah, blah, blah. I wish I could just get her to trust my decision.
Hi Kellie,
Your so right, The Marchers do rock!
My mother is ok with my decision but she's always pointing out the negative things about it, never the positive things. I finally just stopped talking to her about it. Things better for us that way. Other than that everyone else supports my decision to have this surgery. Although, the other day when I went to my PCP's to get medical clearance the nurse that I seen kept asking me over and over again "are you sure you want to do this," and Kept telling me how dangerous it was and blah blah blah. I was kind of pissed but, who cares. The Doc came in and said I was making an excellent choice, and told me that all her patients that have had this done are doing wonderful...So that made me feel better. Don't worry about what everyone else thinks. This is your decision and you have made it on your own. You are going to do so well. And you'll feel so good looking at these people when your all thin and healthy and saying "I told you so."
So anyway, Take care, Hope to see ya on the boards more often!
Offishal Birthday Baroness and Offishal Guardian of the Chair
14 days and a wake up!
Amen Sister!!! Marchers DO Rock!!!
One of the things I have noticed is that the people who are so negative are generally the people who know NOTHING about this surgery. They are going off of the hoopla from way back about the old stomach stapling procedure. Now, when you talk about gastric bypass a lot of people associate it with that surgery, which was more dangerous from what I have read.
I have a cousin who said to me "that's the easy way out". Yeah! Whatever! I have another cousin who I THOUGHT would be negative about it. Turns out she helped a friend of hers research the surgery and so she knew all about it. She has been my greatest supporter as far as my family goes. Her friend did excellently and still is doing excellent.
My Mother-in-Law is the same way as your mother. I finally quit talking to her about the surgery and she doesn't even know when I'm having it. Because she kept telling me the same things, that she's heard it's really dangerous and you could die from this surgery and you shouldn't do it because you need to be here for your kids. That last one was the one that really got me. That was when I stopped talking to her about this. I just could not get her to understand that I was doing so that I WOULD be here for my kids. If I don't do this surgery then I won't be here much longer and if I am it will be in a wheelchair.
All that to say, you may just have to not discuss it with her. I know you need your mom's support but she may not be able to give you that. You DO have support here though. You can ALWAYS come to us when you need support for this. We love ya!!!
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary (a/k/a CCQC)
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angellettes ==> Joann B. , (LaDonna D.? , Jill C.? still waiting to hear back from LaDonna and Jill if they want me to be there Angel)
Soooo Glad that you like us!!! We like you toooooo!!! See, you figured out that everyone is welcome in our township. Wish others (won't name names) could figure that out too.
My sister doesn't want me to have surgery. She wants me to go to a commune and learn to live God's way and eat His Food, and drink His Drink, and find my way through Him. I am going against his will and she worries about me not following the Path He desires us to follow. (she believes in hands on healing and no surgery) We have a difference of opinion. I believe that God gave us medical knowledge that He can work miricles through!!! I feel it is a partnership and God guids my surgeons hands. She's entitled to her beliefs and I'm entitled to mine.
Angels: Baby Lori Mommy Va
Negative people? Ummmm.YEAH! My family has a 'history of obesity'. Family lore has it that my aunt was one of the first to have this done back somewhere about the stone age.... then there is the sad thing that happened with my mom. She had it only she waited too long and the co morbidities well lets just say they're called co MORBIDities for a reason. That too was back in the stone age (1975) and LOTS of advancements have been made. The surgery of today isn't the surgery of yesterday. My brother is two or three years out. His neck before surgery was 24" and his waist is now 31". Then theres a friend I have... she harps on me for who knows why. She had her GB 12-16-02 and says I'm just a copy cat. One of my sisters says she won't say anything because she can't say anything nice. Well at least I can thank her for that! Then well there's the other sister (bigger than me) who says she's just going to wait to see what happens with me. Not really support there. However I have a wonderful husband and kids. My hubby worries but gives total support. Then my daughter did a happy dance and asked me if I'd wear skinny clothes soon. My son did ask if there's any chance of me not making it through. He's 17 and you know what they say about the mouths of babes. He did say that he was happy for me.
So, yes I have nay sayers but for every one of them I have at least one YAY sayer!
I have had support from most people. Not everyone, but most. One thing that really upset me the other day, though, was my sister-n-law said something that really hurt. We already have a lot of friction between us because I take care of her daughter (totally different story) but she said "Beth if this doesn't work I just do not know what we will do with you, I guess I am going to have to take you to Dr.Phil"
It really disturbed me that she would say that and not trust me. It gets me upset that when people look at MO people they automatically think the worst about them . Anyways...thats my rant and rave today! More coming tomorrow lol
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler
5 Days till NewPouch
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pouds AWAY!