Just noticed.
Ive been lurking lately because yall are chatterboxes.. how can I keep up.. but... I noticed I was given a title.. YEEEHAWWW.. Offishal Pervert.. and I accept.. lol. Seeing that I always find something a little dirty in every post.. its a perfect fit. See what I mean.. perfect fit..
Offishal Pervert
11 days to go

Hey there Shannon,
This is the best support board I have EVER been on. Its awesome here. I was a nervous wreck a week ago.. I saw my surgeon on Tuesday and the air of confidence about him soothed my mind. He's just awesome.... soooo why be grumpy and serious all the time. (I read the *****ing posts about this board and all I could do is roll my eyes) We have fun here. And if thats what helps us thru, so be it.
But yea.. I love being perverted.. its part of my charm.. 
Offishal Pervert
11 days til replumbing begins

Perfect fit!!!
I have added you to my Offishal Marcher Duty Roster as the Offishal Marcher Pervert
It is hard to keep up with sometimes isn't it? This board is smokin'
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary
(a/k/a CCQC)
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire
AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angellettes ==> Joann B.
, (LaDonna D.?
, Jill C.?
still waiting to hear back from LaDonna and Jill if they want me to be their Angel)