Kathy C.
on 2/25/04 5:32 pm - Someplace, MI
on 2/25/04 5:32 pm - Someplace, MI
Oh yes it's true... I was a LURKER.. (ok now you all say HI LURKER!!)
I would come here and look around and read all of your posts... I would laugh and wonder about some of you and pray for others although you didn't know it.. .. I just kept coming back for a little look see...
and what I seen was a bunch of people with a shared goal.... going through one of the most exciting and scary and frustrating and new experiences of a lifetime....
As a certified lurker I have noticed most boards have one person in charge .. YET this one seemed to be missing a ringleader..
So one day I was caught by this Queen she was on a recon mission and she convinced me to TALK to everyone... & I did and now I am loved and cared about by most everybody here in this small burb of Newpouch!!!!
I nominated myself and won the title of Flatulence Monitor as well as being Angel to the Queen....
One of the best moves I ever made...
Sometimes I read things I don't like or things that don't interest me and I use this miraculous device... called the BACK BUTTON and it goes away as quickly as it popped up....
I could have tried to change everyone's way of thinking and told them to post only things I am interested in but this just seemed easier and a whole lot more polite... Indeed.. If I see something and I have nothing nice to say I say nothing at all.... In fact if a board seems like it's not for me I just stop going to it....
So there you have it folks... a recovering lurker... changed by the queen for the better forever.......
Hi Kathy!!!
As the Offishal Lead Lurker, I think you need another title, would you be please be the Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain? PLEEEEEEEEEEZE ???? (you can STILL monitor the farts too !!!)
I think what you said is very true. I used the old back button LOTS in my lurking days. I still sort of lurk. I don't post every time I read something, but then, some times I don't have anything to add.
I love this board and I would not have come out of lurking if it had not been for the love and support I see demonstrated here by all the posters.
Doin' the 24 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
G'mornin, Mo Fiend!
PERFECT title for Kathy. You're so schmart! She always seems to know JUST what to say to get us cheered up, duzn't she?
Angel Mine --
Be SURE to get yer new title registered with, um, I forget...but just be sure to do it! Yippee! We gots us an OFFISHAL Cheeeeeeeerleader Captain!
Honored To Be Kathy's Mortal/Angelette
Zero-minus-12 and 6 work days to go!
Kathy C.
on 2/25/04 6:40 pm - Someplace, MI
on 2/25/04 6:40 pm - Someplace, MI
OK I love the new title... so long as I can keep quoting Trace about throwing down the pom poms and getting into the game!!!!!!!!
OH and I will be reporting on everyone's flatulence problems
You are just great! I KNOW you ARE loved and cared about BY EVERYONE. How could anybody not love you? You've had nothing but good to say on this board. I appreciate your posts everyday! I thank Kimmer for bringing you here! Thanks Kimmer! You did a great thing!
So Kathy, Keep cheering us on, I know we all appreciate it! Thanks for everything! Rah Rah Shish Kabah! (I know, I know, Bad spelling)
Really appreciates everything Kathy does.
Offishal Birthday Baroness and Offishal Guardian of the Chair
14days and a wake up