Got a date with a surgeon!!
Hi All - it's my first time posting...I have been going thru the insurance hoop jumping and finally have a surgery date of March 3! Great BD prezzie eh? since my birthday is 3/9 I hope to be corresponding with a lot of you. My surgery is a revision from Gastroplasty from 12 yrs ago that was took me a while to get back around to looking into this....and at almost 44 here I go!!
Wow! That is coming up quick! You are blessed to not have so long to wait and worry!
Welcome to the March board. We have dubbed ourselves the Marchers to Newpouch. Many of us are older than you (myself included!), so don't worry about age! Since your surgery is the first week of March, you might be interested in posts to / about First Weekers. We have all agreed to post back to the board our status as soon as we are able after surgery. There are over 50 first weekers.
Joy (3/1) First of the First Weekers
Jan, Hi and weclome to the Marchers. It's a great place to come for laughs, information, and most of all support. we're crazy we're fun and we're so loveable. So jump right in. Great news on your date and not to long to wait. I'm the 15th so I have a little longer. I think it's a terrific birthday present. See ya around the board.
The Offisah Court Jester : aka Betsy
Hey Jan,
Welcome aboard the Marchers Train!!!
We are a very friendly, opinionated, hilariously funny group. We pass on vital information, make each other laugh, pray with each other and sometimes shed a tear.
Post often - just wade in here amongst us and make yourself at home. No cliques - No flaming. Just folks trying to help each other get through one of the most exciting times in their lives.
Gotta question?? Ask taboo topics here! Gotta gripe?? ...we'll listen...and if it irritates us too, we'll chime in!! Having a bad day, and need someone to lean on...there's lot's of shoulders ready, willing and able!!
We are a community not a message board. Again Welcome!!
Happy thoughts,
6 sunrises until my new life begins
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
Offishal Squirrel Wrangler (willing to share this title)
My Angel ==> Whitney Lori
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
Kathy C.
on 2/25/04 5:05 pm - Someplace, MI
on 2/25/04 5:05 pm - Someplace, MI
Whitney since my angelette is getting her beauty rest right now I shall answer for her... YES anyone having surgery on the 9's is a NINER and since her bday is on the 9th like ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is an automatic NINER.. this is per the Queen...
As flatulence monitor I must say this being an angel thing is not gonna be a picnic...
Kathy C.
on 2/25/04 5:09 pm - Someplace, MI
on 2/25/04 5:09 pm - Someplace, MI
Hi Jan!!! Congrats on your date and welcome to the wildest and wackiest place on the web!!!! You're gonna love it...
We share a birthday so I know you're gonna do great here!!!!
It's all about happy positive thinking and sharing and LAUGHING on here.. The hard stuff is behind you.. all of the hoops have been jumped and all that stuff is over... Now sit back and enjoy the ride!!!!
Post a lot and don't be afraid to ask questions.. or answer them for that matter
Again WELCOME!!!