OT: Suggestion for posters
Other boards may not be as active as this one for obvious reasons, our surgeries are imminent.
You wrote:
"Yes We are off topic alot, BUT we enjoy that."
Who is "we"? You and your friends? What about the rest of us here? What about even considering the possibility of what I'm saying. I didn't invent this stuff. It's actually how message boards are normally run. If this board was officially moderated you'd hear the same thing from the moderator. This isn't personal so there's no need to get defensive.
Are you actually saying that you prefer that this board be for those who agree with you and that I should be relegated to the main baord, as you so helpfully suggested? Thanks, but no thanks.
You also wrote:
"We don't need people coming in Raining on our parade."
Again, who is "we"? Do you think you run this board? Your post is full of this "we" business, and that is rather dictatorial.
You wrote:
"You do not HAVE to read our other threads if you are not interested in them."
As a matter of fact, I do. You obviously didn't get my point at all and have lashed out in knee-jerk fashion because you got your feelings hurt. I'm not attacking your precious board. I'm SUGGESTING a very sensible idea that hurts no one and helps all. It is a suggestion which is taken for granted on almost every other board I've come across.
If a subject header isn't clear, then yes I DO have to wade through a couple of posts in each thread before I realize it is not about what I assumed it was going to be about. As I explained to others in some of the reasonable responses I got, time is a factor for a lot of us and frankly I just don't have all day to wade through the baroness and guardian threads. A simple two letter subject intro was all I asked for.
You assumed my aim was to censor, when it fact it absolutely was not. I only asked for a little courtesy clarification. It's unfortunate that this is more than you are willing to give.
I understand you were "SUGGESTING A very sensible Idea, that hurts no one and Helps all" but, WE like the board just the way it is. And WE are not hurting anyone and WE are helping all.
Also, you have made a lot of assumptions about me, So I'm ASSUMING you knew that this thread WAS just going to open up a can or worms.
So anyway, I'm not going to waste any more of my precious time on you Miss Georgette. Good Night, See ya around the boards.

I think you do think you run this board. You're attempting to tell me that because you don't like my suggestion that I can just get over it or be banished to the main board. My post was my honest opinion too. Maybe if I capitalize "honest opinion" like you did it will mean more? Probably not, your caps didn't do anything for me.
Maybe you don't believe everyone is entitled to an opinion here? Or maybe it's just when the opinion differs from yours.
Your responses are a real insight into your personality. You seem to have some sort of persecution complex. No one was attacking you. You seem to feel you have the right to speak for a large number of people, and this shows me your fear. I suggest you take a deep breath and calm down.
I have a right to make suggestions on this board. You can hide behind "we"'s for all time. "I" was making a simple comment. It's unfortunate you felt the need to turn it into some sort of personal attack. It's unfortunate and odd. You assumed wrong when you assumed I meant to cause trouble here. Maybe if you'll take the time to go back and read my original post you'll find you took it personally for no reason. It just seems strange to me that you would become so defensive over a simple suggestion.
I'm finished with this thread, and I just have to say that if a couple of you hadn't taken this whole thing so tragically personally, we could have already moved on by now. It WAS just a suggestion, after all.
Good luck to everyone for successful surgeries.

Whoa...BACK UP, please.
You just said to Kelley "Your responses are a real insight into your personality. You seem to have some sort of persecution complex."
I will NOT allow ANYONE to 'slime' or take personal attacks on Kelley or anyone else whom I've personally come to know as a friend. You do NOT know Kelley as I (we?) know and love Kelley. We have worked through some life issues together. How many times have you personally telephoned or even emailed Kelley? How much do you know about her and her life? Do you know anything of her family? Do you know anything of her childhood? What about her health? Do you know anything of HER? How much do you personally know about ANY of us??
If you are to make such an outrageous and hurtful accusation as you just did to Kelley, I personally would appreciate it if you'd post your C.V. at least in part on your (otherwise blank) profile so we can assume you have your PhD in psychology and human behaviorial sciences (and even with that, you don't have enough information to be able to determine a 'diagnosis'). Where are your credentials to even qualify you in the most remote way to diagnose someone you don't remotely 'know'?
Being a fair minded person (or at least trying to be so), I hit MANY boards last night after your original request. As I told Kym, I do my homework. The ONLY board I saw that even RARELY uses "OT" was the main message board, and not consistently, I may add. Have you made the same request to them, to use "netiquette" so they don't waste your valuable time? Have you requested the same "netiquette" from Joann from Boston (whose daily post subject is "Bongiourno, Bellas and Bellos") or Izdawnie (whose daily post subject is "rollcall") or to Track, whose subject line is never the same, but is seldom NOT "OT"? Have you even TRIED to suggest the main board that they strictly adhere to "OT" usage? If so, I missed it...please refer me to a date/time you posted it so I can feel better about this. I'm not being 'defensive' here, but I am observing that only one board in approximately 16? 17? that I went to last night used "OT". Have you also suggested that people don't type in caps and quit using the Priority stars when it's not time-sensitive? These are "netiquette" SUGGESTIONS, too, but are not followed as well.
There are very delicate constitutions on this board, Georgette, but you do not know it because you're not personally involved with the people as the rest of us are. As an analogy, you are a visitor to this board, whereas this is our HOME. Not only have the majority of our people suffered greatly through their lives because they are MO, it is now even more precarious as we are within hours of life-altering/life-threatening surgery, and although I do not distinguish between users, I will not stand by and watch someone take swipes at someone else in this way. You will never see the results, but you could dangerously harm someone with this type of behavior. I would respectfully caution you against it in the future.
Personal slimes are not/will not be tolerated on THIS board as long as I am a member of it. I feel that an apology to Kelley is in order. When some of us "got tough" with Kym the other day, we apologized. If nothing else, I will offer Kelley an apology on your behalf as, IMHO, you were seriously out of line.
Hi Beth,
I never said I wanted to censor anyone. I would never do that. You missed my point.
On message boards, the etiquette is to stick to the topical reason the board was created (in this case, weight loss surgery in March) and if not, you simply let those reading know that you're going off topic onto something fun and silly by prefacing your subject line with "OT".
Nothing more or less than that.