This may sound silly...
My name is Kimmer and I'm a tweezaholic. I have my Dad's Russian eyebrows, and if I don't yank dem suckers out daily, they look like The Black Forest (altho I've been seein' some grey ones comin' in....odd, I have more grey eyebrow hairs than regular hair -- ? ).
I'm lettin' 'em go while I'm in the hospital. With my finesse when I'm 'snowed', I'd probably put my EYE out on a "near miss". I'd HATE to be called "Kimmer The Cyclops"...
Oscar The Grouch Got Nothin' On Me In The Eyebrow Department
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!
I really think we need an Offishal Guardian of The Chair!!!
What do you think? You know "The Chair" has become such an important part of our community here at Newpouch.
Let's bounce this off of Kimmer and see what she thinks.
Happy thoughts,
6 sunrises until my new life begins
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
Offishal Squirrel Wrangler (willing to share this title)
My Angel ==> Whitney Lori :angel
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
Va --
Most EXCELLENT idea! AND...stay tuned. She MAY just have a dual-title!! (Aren't ya excited? The other one is a GOOD one, too!)
Kelley, you accept both titles? Or just one? (Both would REALLY keep ya busy tho...not that I'm puttin' any EXTREME STRESS OR PRESSURE on ya, sweetheart...) (I learned these coercion techniques from Da Evil Boss Lady. )
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!
Kathy C.
on 2/25/04 4:45 am - Someplace, MI
on 2/25/04 4:45 am - Someplace, MI
Ok When I seen how Kelley signed this I didn't see the "E" and thought wow that's harsh.... then I read on and seen something about a chair being bounced off of KIMMER!!!!!
After reading that again I see it was only an idea...
WHEW... it's not easy being her angel.. she's always gettin into stuff!!!!!
I'm such a tweezaholic that I have a set at work, a set in the car, a couple at the house and one that I keep in my purse at all times, and that might not be all of them, but you get the idea... I can't stand those nasty little buggers, so I'm ready at all times!
Baby Lori
My Whitney & VA
(I have two of the best s ever!)