Passion for Christ
ALL the tickets for this week are sold out for EVERY performance here where I work, and where I live.
I asked Da Boss Lady (an evil, evil human) this morning if I could take a few hours off to go and see it if I can find a theatre I can get into ('cuz I'm so busy after work now), and she just snickered and said "Aw, just wait a week or'll be on video by then". I just said "You know, I just KEEP tellin' you that God don't like Ugly, and He's gonna whack ya REAL good one of these days..." She just thought it was hysterical.
I wanted to see this long before all the controversy began. Now that I've seen snips of it, I want to see it worse.
The way it's looking around here, I may have to wait 'til after my surgery 'til I get to see it. IF it's still playing...
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!
Our church reserved a showing and is going on Sunday afternoon (I'm hoping not to have any stragglers at Natalie's birthday party so I can go) We are only having to pay $2.50 for our tickets and have the theatre reserved. I can't wait. I have wanted to see it since I heard about it. The one thing that I don't get is what is it with all the controversy??? I mean, this happened, it's real, it's a portral of the last hours with no holds barred (maybe people need to see what happened the way it happened and not sugar coat it anylonger to truly appreciate the saccrifice that was made by our Lord) As far as the antisemitism that I've heard some are affraid will happen -- why in the world would I hate someone for what I see in this movie??? We have always know that Jews (of which Jesus was one) persecuted Him -- that was part of the prophecy, that has always been part of the history -- That society turned their back on our Lord, but it has no bearing on how I feel of Jews today -- Besides, God knew from the beginning that this would happen, it was His plan.
OK, I'm going to stop now. I could go on and on. I feel very passionate on this subject because I just don't understand why there is such a controversey.
Whit, Darlin'...
You KNOW that it's not PC to tell the truth about Christianity in this day and age. WhatEVER would the ACLU do if they lost their jobs? ::meow!::
Just another confirmation that we're living in the last days, toots...MARANATHA!!
BTW, did you catch Mel Gibson being interviewed by Bill O'Reilley last nite? GREAT! I even stayed up to watch it!
I Wanna Go Home! (But I'm Not Hastening My Trip...)
Zero-minus-13 and 7 workdays to go!
I saw the movie today. Honestly, the story is a great story, but all this movie is, is blood and violence. Yes I understand that was part of the time and everything, but do we need to hear the skin ripping from his body during a beating??? Anyways... at looked at this movie as a movie not as anymore anyless. As a movie it wasn't that great. Interesting that it stayed true to history and used Greek and Arameic.
I'm not 'sensitive' to violence in films, doesn't usually bother me (I've seen worse in real life...). But I often think they could save some of it and not 'overkill' the point.
In this case, however, I think it was necessary (altho I haven't seen the film yet, just snippets). This is what Jesus went through. I want to see and feel that. I've heard it all my life, but I really want to see exactly how bad it may have been (and this isn't ANYTHING like what He really DID experience).
Just me.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-12 and 6 work days to go!
I can not wait to see it. I think it will be great. I have heard about MANY people who had pre screenings (Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc...) and they thought it was excellent. It brought some to their knees. That is the kind of movie I think we need. I truely feel Mel Gibson was inspired by the Holy Spirit to do this movie. I mean Kimmer is right, we are living in the last times and what is a better time to get the True and living Word out? Unfortunately, I probably will not see it until after my surgery (BOOHOO) Let us know how it goes!!!
Bethany Da Riddler
5 Days till NewPouch