Angel Duty Here - Calling all Marchers!!!
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen (those lurking
or not),
I am on Angel
duty here.
Please visit my Angellettes page here:
and offer her our wonderful Marcher Family support and prayers for a safe and speedy recovery
. Joann has her surgery on 3/3 and her preop is tomorrow (2/26). Let's gather round her
Marchers, show her our love
and lift her up!!!!
Thank you!!!!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angellette ==> Joann B.

Carrie, I have tried to post well wishes and prayers (from me the lurker
but for some reason I can do everything on this board except post to other pages.
I have tried to get help for the last month and nothing seems to work. I just don't understand because I can update my page and everything and this keeps telling me that I don't have an account or whatever the heck it is.
Sorry, I am a little upset
and nervous and all that all at once and my surgery isn't even until 3/31. I guess I will just keep lurking.
The forever lurker