Birthday Baron/Baroness - ?
Oh, Kelley, Hunney!!
I think this could be the EXACT perfect thing to keep you off the streets and out of trubble!!
I hearby dub thee Offishal Birthday Baroness!!
Now...go start a new thread 'n git WORKIN', young lady!! GET the Marchers' birthdays...BEAT it outta them if they won't give it willingly! (Oh, I think Dina, our Dungeon Master, would do that part...well, work with her on the beating part...)
('n I ain't tellin' ya mine 'til ya ASK for it, all nice 'n offishal like...)
Kelley's Watchkeep
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!
Hello, everybody!!!!
I think the birthday idea is a friendly way for us to wish each other a "ReBirthday" in March, or whenever your surgery date fhappens to fall. It might be too much of a burden to have one person organize a list, but it would be easier if we just added our birthdate along with our signature at the end of our messages Example: (actual birthdate/rebirth date). That way, if someone REALLY, REALLY, REEEEAAAALLLLYYY wants to compose a list, it will be much easier. Whaddaya tink?
Rita (02/28:03/01)