Birthday Baron/Baroness - ?
Hey, all...
Several of us have had birthdays this week...
...and only if you read deep into the posts would you have realized it.
D'ya think maybe we need someone to gather/list everyone's birthdays? They could be a "Birthday Baron" or "Birthday Baroness" if there's someone lookin' for something to do for the Marchers...any takers?
Waddya think?
thinks Her Birthday Should Be A National Paid Holiday
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!

Good point Kimmer! Sometimes me speaks before me thinks. I will leave it to someone else to be the Birthday Baroness...but if they need help they can holler
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angellette ==> Joann B.

NOT ME--I was "Birthday Baroness" at my place of work and when i started, my department had 20 problem...did cute little cards and gimmicks and had the dang department is 130 and it would be a full time job and gets to be a "duty" rather than a nice sentiment. I was sooooo pleased with my birthday recognition here BECAUSE it wasn't a standard Thank you again so much!
I am not in favor of doing anything "just because" and "do for one then do for all!" Stems back to my childhood days when I was "popular" with the boys and got a lot more valentines than my girl friends....
Now, that never happens...if a kid brings a valentine for one he has to bring them for all...whatever happened to being really really special??
Anyway, my birthday duties got out of hand at work and I never want to be a "birthday baroness" again...someone's feeling always get tromped on!
I totally understand! Been there, done that. Just thought I'd throw it out to see if anyone wants to do it. If not, it was just an idea (and I don't get those often, HAD to share it!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!