Well, we know she took the day off of work - as I always say (much to my boss's chagrin and glaring snarl...) "even a bad day away from work STILL trumps a good day AT work!"
It's a wonder I still have a job!
Yeah, Sally...'fess up. We wants ta know!
Still Looking For A Splenda Daddy
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!

yes, I took the day off from work, had my birthday present to myself a new computer delivered and set it up...I love computers and have a business on eBay.
My honey came over and we went out for PIZZA! Had a taste for it and it may be my "farewell pizza"--funny, though I couldn't even eat my half of is like I am already changing my mind-set.
Then we went back to my place for awhile...(private...teehee) and my 90 year old Mom gave me money, and when I got to work today, my boss had a nice $50 gift card waiting for Best Buy! I also had a plant on my desk from a co-worker with a bottle of Vitamin E skin oil to help my scar! Wasn't that sweet? My 2 daughters are late with their presents, still on the my birthday will stretch out a bit.
Thank you for the interest.