I Passed the Test!!!
Yipee!!! I did it!!! I fooled the best of them I went for my psych exam (I guess it would be yesterday now) and I'm all clear. He said I was "an acceptable psychological risk for surgery" I'm not really sure what that means, but he did say he would not stop me from having surgery. (I guess you really can fool them -- my DH thought surly they would have me admitted in 10 minutes )
One test down, many more to go -- Next UP -- Pulmonary.
Angels: Lori and Va
Good job Whitney ... isn't a funny feeling when they tell ya you are sane? ... Mr Mo didn't believe it either. LMAO
I go tomorrow to my PCP for EKG and blood work, then to get my chest Xray and I am done til next Thurs (3/4) when I go for my pre op.
doin' the 25 days and a wake up happy dance
Whit, Darlin'...
Sick pup that I am, I wanted so VERY VERY badly to 'play' with them with that MMRI...I wanted to say "yes" to some of the outrageous phrases, like, "I want to stick this pencil in my eye", "my invisible friend buries the bodies of those I strangle in my back yard", "I am being followed by a pack of aardvarks". I outright LAUGHED at some of the phrases. But then I wondered, these have to be based on something, are there really people out there who DO answer these phrases "yes" in honesty. Then I just wanted to get outta there and into the safety of my house...
Has Invisible Friends And Talks To Them Daily
Zero-minus-13 and 7 working days to go!
Yayy Whitney ya fooled em too? Muahahahahaha My psyc. actually recommended me for follow up visits LOL...She said "I would like you to come back to me once a month for follow ups..they are only 90 dollars a month" YEAH I BET YOU DO WANT ME TO COME BACK TO YA!! She was cool though...she drew pics for me and asked me to explain what she was drawing "UHMMM HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW, STICK FIGURES?" However, as many who would say I am she still said I am a good sane candidate for the surgery...Not sure who the one was now?
Kimmer, are you ok, hon??
Bethany Da Riddler
6 Days till NewPouch
Yup, Riddler...I'm 'bout as good as it gets!
That shrink just wants to get a new Mercedes SUV and envisioned it when you walked thru the door.
I fired my Rheumatologist 'cuz for 11 years he didn't do A SINGLE THING for me ('cept fill out the FMLA docs for work) and was talkin' 'bout the new "getaway house" on Houghton Lake he wanted to buy. Ah, not on MY salary, ya don't!
Hates Squirrely Rheumatologists More Than Squirrely Shrinks
Zero-minus-13 and 7 work days to go!