Kathy C.
on 2/24/04 5:51 pm - Someplace, MI
on 2/24/04 5:51 pm - Someplace, MI
We have Canaries and Niners... What is everybody else??
I was thinking in March it's all about comin' in like a lion and going like a lamb... so we could have lions and lambs...
Of course March is when Tulips and Daffodils pop out... Ohhh Rosies and Posies...
Just me thinkin out loud..
Takin My Cornyness to bed now....
Angel to the Queen....
well .. we could use ALL of them .. the rest of the first weekers could be lions ... roaring right in ... then we could have daffies (aka daffodils) up to the 15th .. then tulips .. til the last week .. and the last weekers would be lambs ..
of course that would make me a tulip . and yall know I am much too daffy to be anything other than a daffodil .. lol
doin' the 25 days and a wake up happy dance
p.s. can yall tell, I got TOO much sleep ???
I'm still not sure about the canaries and where that one came from but I figgered out the niners. (I'm pulling up the rear...and boy - check with me a year later because I'm certain that will be literal instead of figurative!)
I'm a Leo, so even though I'm the 10th I'd rather be a lion than all daffy. Yet, curiously, I can be both!
Dina --who's feeling a little bit like a pansy right now because she has to stay up to call the doctor at 8a.