chat tonight?
Mo, Bay-bee...
You KNOW I'd love to join all you NORMAL bedtimers, but you also KNOW where I'll be....
Talk lots about me, make my Angel Kathy accuse me of stuff I didn't do, and, well, you know the rest!
Early to bed, Early to rise, makes this girl BORING and ANNOYED.
Zero-minus-14 and 8 workdays to go!
Well Kimmer sweetiepie .. we COULD start at 7 so you could have a few minutes before your 8 p.m. beddy bye time
I got having soooo much fun last night that I actually was up til 10 p.m. OH MY !!!
Mo .. now the Offishal Court Dancer
doin the Happy Mo has 27 days to go dance
p.s. We didn't talk about you TOOOOOOOO very much last night .. just mostly