Hi I'm March too
Hey that's OK
It took me a while to find it too. Welcome to the party
. Be sure to read some of the past posts -- but either make sure you have gone potty recently or wear depends -- this group will keep you in stitches
Be sure to register with Va's surgery list
so we can get you added in
We're just one big happy family here in Newpouch.

Hey Rachael!!
Congrats on your date!!!
Welcome to the Marcher's!!
We are a very friendly, opinionated, hilariously funny group. We pass on vital information and make each other laugh.
Post often - just wade in here amongst us and make yourself at home. No cliques - No flaming. Just folks trying to help each other get through one of the most important times in their lives.
11 sunrises until my new life begins
single digits are just around the corner
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
Offishal Squirrel Wrangler (willing to share this title)

::slap:: Hi, Judy!!
Welcome to our little FRIENDLY corner of the world! SOOOO very glad ya found us: I was surfin' other boards 'n saw the posts you left regarding "cliques" (thank you for spelling it right in your posts...
). You're absolutely correct in your observation, IMHO. "They" just don't see themselves that way, maybe 'cuz they can't see PAST themselves - ? I was taking great offense to their replies 'bout how "sub-knowledgeable" us new pre-ops are, that we don't know what we're getting in to, we keep asking the most redundant questions, blah blah blah
Oh, PUHleeze...take a break and get down off those pedestals you've placed yourselves on!! I was GONNA leave my observations and reply, but I don't feel like being flamed this early in the day, so I just let it go. My blood pressure is just fine this morning, and I'd prefer it to stay that way, at least 'til the Marchers get jazzed up again later. Cheez. I thought the "S" in AMOS stood for "support", not "slam". Not to worry. With all the people here in Newpouch, if someone's got a question, someone else is sure to have an answer, and if not, we'll collectively FIND the answer for them.
Kudos on standing your ground, especially to the original poster there. She's one tough "Bella" if you cross her path.
So VERY VERY glad to have ya with us, Nicole! Hang around...we're gonna get thru this together, and probably do it with sore ribs from laughing!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-17 and counting!