March 1st... getting nervous

Sarah H.
on 2/12/04 3:25 am - Vernon, FL
I waited 6 months for approval from my insurance company. then switched to my husbands policy and was approved overnight.My surgery date is set for March 1st... WOW!!! talk about reality. Now i'm feeling a bit nervous with only 2 weeks until the big date. I didnt know about the high protein diet two weeks prior. I was instructed to start that on Monday. (2/16/04) Any advise on high protein shakes that taste ok or high protein foods. Is there anything else I need to know that you wish you'd known? even little hints on how to make this easier... I'm not telling anyone local about my date until a day or two prior. I've had my fill of negative comments.
YaShoney C.
on 2/12/04 4:13 am - Detroit, MI
I know what you mean about the negativity. I've had my share plus some. I am 5'7" and now I weigh 304lbs. I just recently picked up 20 pounds over the past 2 months. Before then and still now I have people telling me that I don't need the surgery. Well I tell them that I am doing this for me not them and this is what I want to do. I know in my heart that this is the right choice and we will have a good turnout. Well my date isn't until 3/15/04, but I am starting to get a bit nervous Oh but I just can't wait, because I am very miserable. I don't want to do anything, go anywhere, I have been so mean to my family and friends and I know that this excessive weight is making me this way. As far as the protein Chicken, Fish, Tuna, pretty much all types of meats are a good source of protein. If you don't like the shake then I say get to choppin on that meat. I ordered some Slim Sense protein mix off of the internet and they're pretty good. Go to your local Walmart or Rite Aid and see what they have that's good, or go to your local GNC or fitness center. I wish you the best and God is on our side !!!!!!! SC/32
Whitney H.
on 2/12/04 4:35 am - Harrah, OK
I hadn't really had any negativity about this until today. I had sent my sis in California an Email - she's been AWOL from us for a couple of years. I hadn't realized that she had joined a religious group that believes in Holy Healing and no surgery -- she wants me to go to this camp and stay for two weeks and learn how to eat His food and drink His drink and live His life. She says she is scared for me to have this surgery that it will harm me and I won't be doing His will. Needless to say, I wasn't expecting that! She says she will love me no matter my decision, but feels surgery is the wrong one (of course she does not have a weight problem either - doubt in this case that it would make much of a difference). I'm really shocked and don't know how to respond to her pleas. whitney
Virginia H
on 2/12/04 6:35 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Hey Whitney, I have an Aunt that is Christian Science, and believes much like your sister does. I have intentionally not mentioned my surgery to her. My mother had heart bypass surgery in November of 2002, and my aunt, her sister, was so excessively negative about it that they stopped communicating completely. You are doing what is best for you and your family! Don't let her negative energy shake your resolve to do what you HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER! It is not her place to interpret for you what God's plan is for your life. If He brought you to it, He will bring you through it. Some times those who seek 100% healing from God, forget that He's the one that gave us these magnificent brains, that can learn and make rational, educated decisions. Happy thoughts, Va 19 sunrises to go until the start of my new life.
Kimmer K.
on 2/12/04 7:51 am - Waterford, MI
Hey, Va...couldn't have said it better myself if I'd've gone on...and on...and on...and on.... ...and on... Sheesh...Poor Whitney. I probably put her to SLEEP with that TOME I just sent off to her. Well, at least she'll get a good night's rest! ONE of these days I'm gonna figure out "short and simple". Think? Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles Zero-minus-26 and counting!
Whitney H.
on 2/12/04 1:45 pm - Harrah, OK
Kimmer, You definately did not put me to sleep You are a sweetie I appreciate your kind words of wisdom. Thank you so much Whitney Thanks to you too Va!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!! Whitney
Kimmer K.
on 2/12/04 7:43 am - Waterford, MI
Hey, Whit... I'm so sorry to hear about the emotional ride your Sis is putting you through right now. You already know part of my sis's problem, the other parts that you don't know are many, as I refuse to "slime" her, except in jest (she's just such slime bait!). For instance, she had WLS ~2.5+ years ago and is totally against this because she doesn't want any of her "glory" stolen from being the center of attention for the first time since we were born. The saddest part that you don't know is that she, like me, like my Mom and Dad (Dad passed away in '88) are all Born-Again Christians. I think you can already ascertain that I don't go around and try to proselitize anyone. I feel that maybe the right word or action in the right time, followed with prayer, can turn their heads and hearts toward the Lord. I do my 'work' covertly. It's really difficult when we deal with other Christians. It's often worse than human blood-family problems. We're told not to judge, and I'm getting much better at that the more I grow. But I've also come to realize that MY relationship with God is vastly different from what everyone ELSE's is. I'm a "living" Christian: my faith and convictions drive everything I do, and that (besides my sassy outlook) is what sets me aside from others around me: I don't carry my Bible with me (it's pretty beat up and would fall apart anyway...hehehe...), I don't "preach", but everyone knows where my heart is, and even the worst cynics respect my spirituality (maybe it helps that they know I'll kick their butts if they TRY to dog me on it! ). I've had some pretty good discussions with some of the most adamant anti-'religion' people because I'm 'touchable' or 'approachable'. I believe there's a big difference between religiosity and Christianity, and they see that and are comfortable talking with me about it. Anyway, I've also found that what one "denomination" or "sect" believes is not necessarily what another does. I'm a Born-Again Christian, I don't profess to be a Baptist or Protestant, etc. There's a phrase that I love -- "There are no denominations at the foot of The Cross." 99% of what I've learned about my Christianity I've learned on my own, because the Lord MADE me learn when I made 'bad choices' early on, and I keep learning hourly. I'll never 'arrive'. Because of that my faith is so VERY real to me. I have NO doubts of who my Lord is and what He does. I also don't have much difficulty knowing what His Will is for me. It's a very good level that Him and I have finally arrived at, and We've still got lifetimes to go! "My verse" has always (since I was a kid) been Romans 8:28 - "For we KNOW (KNOW...not think...) that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to HIS purpose." I wouldn't be with my current surgeon if BTC hadn't messed up with delayed information - that was not a mistake, it was a 'sign'. I wouldn't be on this website (I swore to stay off so I wouldn't "invade" my sister's turf, which is why I stick mainly to the Marchers...), but from the moment I logged on, I knew I was supposed to be here...that's that "knowing His Will for me..." Dunno why I'm s'posta be doing this, but I just know I am. ANYway, what His Will is for me is a very carefully detailed plan that He has for ME, and no one else. Same with you...what His Will is for you is not what His Will is for your sister or your husband or my Mom. A lot of Christians forget this: they feel you must conform to THEIR doctrines and 'traditions' (for lack of a better word). What they forget is that that is what THEIR relationship is with Him, not necessarily yours. I'm in awe of those who speak in Tongues...I get goosebumps whenever I've heard it, and just get pulled in to it, totally mesmerized and energized. I, however, was never given that gift. I've been blessed with so many other, forgiveness, understanding, insight, compassion, abilities that others don't have...that speaking in Tongues isn't on my Top 10 List Of Things I Want From My Lord. Some would say that I'm not "fulfilled" as a Christian because I don't speak in Tongues...oh, back the truck up Jack...I AM fulfilled with the relationship and gifts my Lord has given me, and don't EVER think I'm not! Tongues doesn't make anyone more a Christian than the gift of Healing does. (Do you get where I'm going here?) So your sister may truly feel in her soul that you're not walking in His Will, because you if you were, you'd seek out HER doctinal belief of "healing", etc, but that's not for her to say...that's HER walk, not yours. She can respect your Christian walk and not impose HER requirements on you. God hasn't made those requirements...she/her sect/denomination has! You have to take it up with Him. If He wants you to have this surgery, and you're walking with Him, you're going to have it, and it will "work together for good". I'm sure you've prayed about it and given it to Him to decide, and He's obviously showed you which way to go, otherwise you wouldn't have been approved and waiting for your date to come. Now, something may come up (like it did with me and BTC), and His plans may change a little or even a lot. But as long as you're walking in His will, you'll be fine. I never panicked when BTC dropped that bomb on me. I KNEW I was supposed to have WLS (I'd gone one step further, doubting insecure mind that I have, and I 'threw out a fleece', and it came back pro-WLS), I just realized immediately that BTC wasn't the place I was to have it done. And look at the surgeon I have now...I LOVE him! God AGAIN gets the 'win' on this one...I'm giving HIM all the glory!! Anyway, I guess what it boils down to is "Hey, sis, thanks for your concern. I've prayed about this and I know this is His Will. Please don't worry - that's Satan trying to get at you. My Lord has this all wrapped up! I'll keep you posted on my success!" and leave it at that. Only He can change someone's heart. Hope that little (little? Sheesh! Sorry!) blurb helps ya. I'm here for ya when ya need me, Whitney! Kimmer
Kimmer K.
on 2/12/04 7:47 am - Waterford, MI
Hi, Sarah! Welcome to the Marchers! You're another Canary...going on first before us! Hang out with'll learn a lot and laugh alot! What more could you ask for? (Well, besides a new car, or a new necklace, or someone to pay your medical bills, or...) Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles Zero-minus-26 and counting!
on 2/12/04 8:13 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Welcome to the Marchers!!!! Hugs, Mo
on 2/12/04 9:04 am - Little Rock, AR
Carb solutions is not bad and is reasonably priced at Walmart and other places. But my favorite is Unjury, available at I like the vanilla and chocolate. Welcome to the March board. We March 1-ers are known here as canaries. We lead the way!!! I have confidence, we will do great! (We have to, the rest are watching us!!!) 11 more work days... Joy "Canary" (3/1)
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