It's hard to wait for the date!!!!!!!!
Hey Dianna,
Hang in there girl. It must be rough not to have the support. I really wouldn't know -- I'm not telling my monster-in-law (Oops did I just say that out loud) I mean mother-in-law -- she's a very negative person and worries. I decided I don't need any negativity going into surgery and I may or may not tell her after. Other than that, my mom is great about this ( not other things, but this she is gung ho!!) I told my baby sister yesterday and she got a big grin on her face and was sooooo happy! (I'm the only fatty in the family - go figure - I've never been able to sort that out). About the sharing clothes thing, I can't wait to be able to borrow my size 10 mother's special clothes that both my sisters are always borrowing. I want to be part of their club.
You're nearly a month before me - I barely qualify for a marcher - I too am glad they didn't kick me out of this club.