Treadmill advice
It must get really frustrating. Especially in your mind, knowing that you could do something active, but your fibromyalgia screws with it all.
My mother cares for a woman with FMS, she is full of energy, even in her late 70's, but is so STUCK. Her body doesnt want to cooperate. Im sure you know what I mean.
Yeah, it can get ya down, but I just won't LET it. I guess I look at Stephen Hawkins and in a VERY VERY small way empathize with him. I look at what an incredible human he is with his affliction, and I feel puny by comparison. Nah, I just try to deal with it as best as I can.
It's like I've explained to my bosses: my mind is good (except when I get "FibroFog", which is like your brain disengaging for a while and you just go blank), but my body has a mind of its own. They, unfortunately, don't like it and don't understand and just don't really care. Jerks.
Yesterday the surgical unit called to take a "history" on me. Tons of questions, and of course, my cynicism and humor came out, and I had the nurse howling
. Asked if I use recreational drugs, I answered "No, should I? I'd be willing if that's a prerequisite..." Asked if I could be pregnant, told her "Cheez, I hope not. That child would've been due about 1.5 years ago if so, and he or she would be EXTRA well-done if I am..." Asked about my periods, told her I'm on Depo and " KNOW a woman created Depo...there's not a man in the world who'd appreciate what it's like to have NO periods and NONE of their symptoms..." So she asked what my normal energy level was, and she said "Oh, I can probably answer this one...extremely high..." and I said "ah, no, acutally, I'm fatigued 24/7 due to my FMS..." She was speechless after all the high-energy conversation we'd just had. She said she can't wait to meet me 'cuz she found it so hard to believe that someone as "effervescent" as me isn't bouncing off walls.
Yup, it's a trip alrighty. But I'm grateful that it's not something worse, like cancer or Parkinson's or Hodgkins or ALS or one of a zillion other illnesses that it could be. I just try to live as best as I can with it, and I'm praying that this surgery will help with the symptoms. My PCP and I were talking about it and he said "You KNOW you'll have it for the rest of your life until they find a cure." I said "Yeah, I know that. But how are they ever gonna find a cure when they can't even figure out what it is and what CAUSES it?" He laughed and said that if anyone's got a chance to figure it out, it'll be me, and he wants a cut of my bank account when I do. Just love my PCP!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to all Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-28 and counting!