ok, now I'm scared...
Oh-oh...butterfly happy feelings...not again...
Kelley, Hunny, Buddy, Pal, SugarPie...
Listen to what I'm telling you here. PUT THE TEA CUP DOWN ON THE TABLE. That's it.
Now, slowly STEP AWAY FROM THE TABLE. Yup, THAT's it...just walk AWAY from the tea, Kelley...you can do it...that's good...GOOD JOB!
Now, go find Jose and tell him to get rid of ALL the tea in the house IMMEDIATELY!!! QUICK!! GO!!!!
You'll be fine, Sweetie...just dream about SF Koolaid tonite, NOT tea...
(Phew! Another successful "Tea Intervention"!)

Kelley's right, Lynn -- why would you want to go read something like that right now? What you (and we all) need to be doing is getting into the GOOD frame of mind that'll be most beneficial for us to get through this situation. We need to put our minds on good happy things, to imagine all the good things that are going to come out of this surgery.
There's going to be times along the road from now 'til your surgery date that you're going to feel legitimate anxiety - everyone goes through that. But don't psych yourself into it by "going places" that you know will set you into a train of thought that won't help you.
We're all here to help each other, and some of us have already "been there" with the fear thing. If we can help you avoid those times, we will -- this is one of those times. Don't "go there", 'kay?
Queen of the Niners

Hey there,
Just wanted to thank Kim & Joy for their motivational, upbeat posts that I've been reading, just marvelous they truly keep me going and thinking postively for the next 5 wks. I'm really scared too, Kelley, and understand where your coming from. I have two young boys and I worry about not being there for them in the future, however, if I don't have this WLS, I definitely won't be around. Just wanted to say hello, my date is the 15th, and I can't wait for my journey to begin.
BTW, does anyone's surgeon require them to lose weight before surgery. Mine does, and if you don't lose some of the weight from the original consult appt, he will cancel surgery! I've been so stressed over this because my consult was in Sept. and my final consent appt isn't until Feb. 27th. (uh, thats 6 mo. & 12 lbs later). I've been starving myself with just protein shakes & lean cuisines and in two wks only lost 2 lbs! I'm getting on the treadmill everyday and walking 1-2 miles as well. Any suggestions?
Take care,