"March Niners" - March 9th surgeries
You can be our official WLS canary. We expect you to fully tell us the OUCH factor for the first few days afterward. Howz it feel to be on that cutting edge? (ooh, bad pun!)
You (and the rest of the March 1st-ers) are really getting there quick! Just a bit over one month left! Cheez! Aren't you just TOO jazzed?!?!
March Rules!

Welcome to the "Niners", Barb!
St. Luke's in Phonenix...hmm, warm weather, no snow. Can I come over to recuperate on your porch or deck?
Well, since I'm getting replumbed on March 9th, I'm hoping for an early Michigan spring. Altho this has been a short 'winter' here, it's been extraordinarily cold, and we've been bombarded with one snowstorm after another, so we're all real tired of it already.
Spring's always been my favorite season, so I'm not only looking forward to Spring this year, but looking forward to getting on with a new health during it!
March Rules!

Come on over. Bring your shorts. I was raised in Maine so I know how cold things can be up that way. Miss the fall colors. Don't forget a chair as we like to sit around a fire pit on the weekend with the neighbors.
We do have to run the heat at night still. Gets cold in the desert at night.(40's*
) Hoping that with surgery I can tolerate our heat in the summer. Can't walk on the sidewalk without flip-flops in June. Ouch! Stay warm, Barb

You're KILLING me here, Barb.
This morning when I was leaving for work (~4:20 a.m.), it was ZERO out with a -18 windchill, and I discovered that some SCUMBAG
neighbor had left a huge, perfectly-formed-from-off-the-blade pile of snow smack dab in the middle of my nicely plowed driveway. It would've torn off my exhaust system if I'd've even TRIED to go over it. As IF I felt like shoveling snow at 4 in the morning! Worst part is that it was OLD snow, so I had to get my DIRT shovel out of the garage to get it gone, the snowshovel wouldn't touch it. So my heart is just breaking thinking 'bout if you can deal with the SUMMER heat this year!! GRRRRRRRR!!!
Hey, maybe I WILL c'mon down to recuperate! I'm sure my precious doctors would back me on it:
"Dear Work: please excuse Kim from work for her surgical recuperation period. She will be recuperating in the SUN, something that YOU will not have for many months. Deal with it. Signed, Kim's Doctors."
Well, at least you know what we have to tolerate up here. For that, I'll forgive your HURTFUL words!
March Rules!