Still "Back ON Track"
Well, I'm still doing the "Back On Track" and I'm still down 13 pounds. My brother in law went with me to the program and he lost 18 pounds in the 6 week program and is still losing. He's lost 27 pounds now !!! I told him the other day, I believe he's cheating, because I have not lost any in the last 3 weeks. I'm hoping to lose 30 more pounds and he is , too. But I am afraid he's going to lose his before I do mine !! Keep us in your prayers and I know we can do it! Thanks, Judy
HI Judy,
What does your days food consist of these days since you
went on this program.(if you don't mind saying) Did you change much from what you were doing before the weight loss started again. Just
wondering. Mine stopped along time ago & sure would like
to jump start it again. Thanks for any advice on the matter.
Are you on low-carb type diet?
Marilyn, the Bearlady
We are doing the low carb diet.
NO bread, sugar, sugar substitutes, no pasta, starchy vegetables and no fruits.
We did this for 2 weeks. Then started adding back a few carbs, still no sugar.
DRINK at least 64 oz. of water a day.
Once you get in ketosis after about 3 days you don't get hungry. You can get the ketosis sticks at the drug store.
Eat every 3 or 4 hours
You can have 10 carbs at each meal and each snack
I will eat :1 boiled egg , 2 slices of bacon and 1 string cheese and a slice of tomato
1 string cheese and 1 oz. turkey jerkey for BREAKFAST and 3 carrot sticks
3 or 4 oz. of chicken , turkey or fish and 1 cup salad for LUNCH
3 or 4 oz. of chicken, turkey or fish and 1 cup green beans for SUPPER
2 high protein SNACKS a day. (Meat skins, string cheese, cottage cheese, turkey jerkey, low carb protein bar, ( Q-Smart bar is good with only 9 carbs )
Hope this helps. Judy
Judy -
This is fantastic news. I am so proud of you taking the bull by the horns and not letting this be the end for you. I still need to lose another 30 but haven't found the motivation. Hopefully soon I will. Thankfully though I have not gained. I think we are all at the point where we have to be extra diligent in order to not start gaining and losing site of our purpose. It's so easy to gain....I've known that for awhile. Hopefully we will all be able to keep that at bay!