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Topic: RE: Clothing Exchange?????
I feel like the clothing exchange is for post ops who go through clothes extremely fast and still need to look professional. I would give first consideration to the the post op person. Is the pre-op person wanting them for their current size or for what they feel they will need after surgery? If it is for after surgery, maybe you can suggest to the post-op that when she is through with them she could then pass them on, maybe by them the pre-op would be post-op and in need. Just a thought.
Topic: 6 month update
I had surgery on 3/10/2003. I was 540 and now I am down to 370. The doctor said I lost the most weight in the office 2 months post op (100 lbs). Energy levels are high and have no post op problems that are worth mentioning. My goal is 260 lbs then I have to worry about plastic surgery.
Topic: Clothing Exchange?????
Can someone explain to the purpose of the clothing exchange??? I thought it was for POST-OP member needing clothes as they are shrinking. Or is it of anyone pre and post-op to take advantage of??? Someone please help me to get a better understanding. I have Items to give but I have a Pre- op and A Post-op requesting them. Which one needs them the most??? Please HELP.... TJ
Topic: RE: Eating
Hey there! I feel the same way! Some days I eat more than others and it is not b/c I want to but it is b/c I just can't eat as much as I ate the day before. I know I am eating more than what I was say 2 months ago - however I am being careful to keep the portions in check and nto stratch the stomach. The weird thing is that I very rarely stuff myself - I am very careful not to over eat b/c I learned early on that it a very misserable feeling and then would also throw it up. So I eat until I feel full.
I will be 6 months out as of the 17th of this month and to date I have lost 81 lbs with no plateu.
Keep up the good work!
Maybe the eating too much thing is more psychological than actually doing so? That fear of undoing that good this has done us.
Topic: RE: Missing Period
Sorry, can't help you here. I haven't had any issues in that area. You may want to ask your GYN just in case to make sure it is related to the surgery.
Good luck.
Topic: I found a good protein drink
I want to thank everyone whom gave me so many suggestions for protein drinks. This past weekend I went out and purchased several brands and have now come to love the atkins chocolate delight. It has only 1gm or carbs and 20gms or protein and it really tast DELICIOUS. I'm also starting to lose weight again and is now down 57lbs in 5 months and an overall total of 78lbs. I'm exercising twice a day and is drinking plenty of water. THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN!!
Topic: RE: 5 month Update on Marilyn
Marilyn, Congratulation on your great weight loss I am also 5 months out and I have lost 60lbs. I wish I was in your shoes.... However I have not been sick the entire 5 months. BUT.... I think im going Bald and this has got to be the most devistating thing for me because I feel my beauty is in my hair. I have had to get extentions to cover up my bald spots in the front of my head. Is it going to ever stop????? Well let me got off my soap box.... You keep up the great work and hopefully I will be following in your footsteps pretty soon.
Topic: RE: Plateau
Hi Hal, you are doing awesome to have of lost so much in 5 months. I'm also 5 months post-op and is a very slow loser. I've only lost 57lbs as of yesterday but I know that eventually the rest will come off. Once again CONGRATULATIONS on your success.
Topic: RE: 5 month Update on Marilyn
Well I have lost 70 pounds for my 5 month anniversary and started at 389 pounds. Things have been kind of slow but I will take all that I can get.
Topic: RE: 5 month Update on Marilyn
Congrats on the loss. I can't believe it has already been 5 months. I have lost 90 lbs officially. I really think though the same 3-4 lbs has been lost several times over. I have not been sick at all. I have been losing my hair but think it is slowing down. I have a small hernia near my incesion. My doctor is going to submit to have it repaird and do a tummy tuck at the same time. We are looking at maybe jan/feb for this though. Keep up the good work.