6 month check up
I don't post much here but I do read your posts! Everyone is doing so great! Well now I will toot my own horn a bit.
My surgery was March 17, 2003 and at that point I was 241 lbs. I am now down to 155! YEAH! I haven't been this small since early high school. The exciting part is that my Dr. when I saw him last week said I was ahead of what they would have expected for mr at 6 months and that I ideal body weight for me is an obtainable goal! That would be 132 and only a mere 23 lbs away.
He also said that they have found those who loose the most of their weight within the first year maintain it better than those who do not. So it sounds like we are all doing great !
I am very excited and excited about these new clothes and the instyle styles I can wear now without looking ridiculous.